Kindle Alexander - Up In Arms (3 page)

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Authors: Kindle Alexander

BOOK: Kindle Alexander - Up In Arms
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Chapter Three

Twenty four hours later, Trevor swayed on his feet with a grin on his lips. Bringing his near empty Corona up, he drained the bottle in one long swig. The movement caused him to take a small step backward, trying to maintain his balance. Trevor was drunk. Happy and very drunk. With a swivel of his feet, he lifted the empty bottle to order another.

The sounds of Rylie’s bachelor party carried on around him. The best Trevor could tell, everyone in the small bar looked to be in about in the same condition he was. Most of the members of his training class and Special Forces team showed tonight. Several flew in just to be here with Rylie. Very few of the men on their team were married. Many were experiencing the time honored tradition of a bachelor party together for the first time. Pacing yourself on drinks didn’t seem to matter. It certainly didn’t matter to him. Trevor was perfectly wasted, and it felt good to let go. After all, he was celebrating his best friend’s upcoming marriage.

“Hey, man, I’ll get you another beer,” Trevor said, and took the step or two to the bar. The bartender pushed three Corona bottles in his direction. Trevor handed one to Rylie and one to Brody.

“Nah, I’ve had enough. Give it to Brody,” Rylie yelled over the blaring music.
Brody didn’t hesitate. He grabbed the beer, holding two in his hands, giving Trevor a sloppy yet sexy grin. The one Trevor dreamed of regularly.
“Thanks and this is a damn fine rockin’party you planned, buddy. You havin’ a good time, my man?” Brody leaned in, shouting in Trevor’s ear.
Brody’s breath tingled across Trevor’s skin. Goose bumps sprang up across his arms. Trevor turned his head to bring his mouth close to Brody’s, only to lose balance. He stumbled a few steps and slammed into the back wall. Brody watched him with a laugh, and then turned back to the party, heading into the crowd.
God, he seriously still had it bad for the guy. Everything about Brody called out to him. The way the guy moved, dressed, spoke, smelled... He knew the guy was a slut, hell, everyone knew Brody was a slut, but his gaze still focused on the sway of Brody’s tight ass. Trevor wanted to run his hands across the denim so badly. Even in his drunken state, his cock sprang to life. It struck Trevor—there was only one other ass that could draw his attention and make him completely forget about his best friend, and it belonged to Reed Kensington. His budding hard-on grew stiffer thinking about the gorgeous blond haired man.
Trevor thought about Reed several times since their meeting last night, easily chasing Brody from his mind. The card Reed gave him was now rubbed well worn. Trevor traced his fingers across Reed’s name over and over while thinking of his smile and dreaming of his touch. Why hadn’t Reed come tonight? As Rylie’s best man, Reed should be here even if it wasn’t his normal scene. Maybe Trevor did something to run Reed off. Maybe he came on too strong or too needy. More than likely, Reed just came over to him last night as a favor to his brother.
The rumors circulating about Reed were of him being a ruthless attorney, a self made man, and a notorious playboy, who regularly enjoyed a variety of men. Trevor had nothing to offer Reed. He wasn’t wealthy or handsome. Trevor couldn’t even offer to be another notch on Reed’s bed post as he certainly didn’t sleep around. He would just never be that kind of guy. Even years ago, when he slept with women before he’d given in and faced the truth of his own homosexuality, sex still meant something. Plus if it meant something to him and nothing to Reed, he wouldn’t be able to handle it, making everything very awkward around Reed’s family, and he just couldn’t risk his relationship with them. They were the closest thing to family he had.
A burst of laughter tore across Trevor’s drunken mind, then out his mouth. He had as much of a chance with Reed Kensington as he did with Brody. Actually, Trevor would have a better chance with Brody than ever drawing the attention of Reed. Hell, the gorgeous blond probably wouldn’t even remember him from last night. And clearly, if Reed wanted to see Trevor, he would be here tonight. Looking out across the crowded bar, his thoughts jumbled in his head. Trevor took another long swig of his beer, thinking how he wished Reed was here anyway, and how nicely the night turned out.
Elise asked Trevor to personally plan this party, happy to leave all the arrangements to him except for one strict rule: no women. Elise made it perfectly clear. No strippers were to be dancing naked or grinding on her future husband. Trevor made sure to honor her wishes. And from where he stood, it seemed a reasonable request. He didn’t know how the other guys felt about it, but since Brody rarely went after the men they worked with, the party was turning out pretty cool for Trevor. He wouldn’t have to watch Brody hanging over anyone tonight. They stuck to the guy things like darts, pool, foosball, cigars, and beer. Lots and lots of beer.
Cheers suddenly erupted, and the music in the bar swiftly changed. Trevor stood up from where he still leaned on the back wall, pushing himself forward to see what caused this kind of reaction. His eyes went wide as they fell upon four scantily dressed women. All high heels, long hair, and longer legs. They strutted through the crowd, asking for Rylie by name. Confusion clouded his drunken mind. Moving forward, Trevor went to tell Rylie the strippers were not his doing. Brody must have invited them. He only made it so far before watching one of the women try to sit on Rylie’s lap. His buddy denied her, standing quickly, only to draw all the women to him. Rylie tried hard to avoid their roving hands. It didn’t seem easy to move away from the pack, but Brody jumped in to save the day, taking Rylie’s place. That was all it took. The women began to dance around Brody. Cheers erupted again while clothing was teased away, and Rylie hurried to Trevor.
“I’m sorry, man. I didn’t know they were coming, Brody must have—”
“It’s cool, not a thing. I just promised Elise I wouldn’t get involved.”
The two of them now stood completely on the outside of the circle surrounding the women. Brody sat in Rylie’s chair, his hands encouraging any of the women to sit on his lap. Every bold move Brody made, the cheers grew louder. Unable to force his eyes away, Trevor watched intently as Brody ran his hands all over the writhing body on his lap. After a little coaxing, Brody captured her lips. She wrapped her long legs across his hips, grinding against his very obvious arousal. Trevor fixed his sights on the Brody’s swollen cock, watching the strain build against the jeans that trapped it. Just like that, with Trevor’s thoughts on Brody’s little sex show and Reed not showing tonight, his cool, easy on the heart night took a full nose dive.


Traffic was a bitch. Parts of the highway were shut down for construction. Reed took what he thought might be a short cut, but it turned out everyone else had the same idea. It took Reed and his father well over two hours to get across town to Rylie’s bachelor party, and they were late to begin with.

For most of the day, Reed’s thoughts stayed on the stunning man he met briefly the night before. Trevor wasn’t his usual type, but Reed couldn’t seem to keep his mind off him. Trevor’s strong, perfectly chiseled jaw line, deep cerulean blue eyes framed by a thick fringe of dark lashes, and full lips just begged to be kissed. They kept his fantasies playing over and over in his mind the entire day. Reed felt an instant attraction he could find no explanation for.

When they stood together last night, clapping for his brother, Reed glanced over at Trevor. The moment Trevor looked up at him, a small stain of a blush on his cheeks, Reed’s heart melted. He thought Trevor experienced it too. At least he hoped he did. Reed even prayed he was responsible for the blush, but a small twinge of disappointment filled him when Trevor didn’t call. Reed didn’t want to be wrong and have this deep attraction be one sided.

“Place looks packed,” Reed said to his father, finding a parking spot in the back of the lot. “I hope we haven’t missed too much.”
“These were great parties back in the day. I’m surprised Trevor invited me tonight. This is a young man’s tradition,” his father said, while walking to the front door of the bar.
“Dad, get your foot out of the grave, you aren’t that old. You belong here with your son tonight.” Opening the front door of the bar for his father, Reed held out his arm in a gesturing motion. “After you, old man,” he added with a grin.
They were met with the strong smell of booze, stale smoke, sweat, and sex. The music blared, and he scanned the room, watching the strippers work the men. A redhead straddled Brody’s lap, gyrating her hips back and forth. From the look on Brody’s face, Reed assumed she hit just the right spot. A cheer arose from the crowd when Brody removed her sequined top, and buried his head between her large silicone breasts. Brody waved her skimpy top around his head like a lasso, and then tossed it to the roaring horde. The men yelled even louder when Brody flicked her exposed nipple with his tongue. Reed guessed the ‘no touching’ rule didn’t apply tonight, and Brody looked to be enjoying the evening’s festivities a little too much.
“Dad, over here, Rylie’s over here.” The loud music made it hard to hear. Reed pointed his finger in the direction of the back of the bar. And next to him...Trevor.
Reed’s heart clenched. He stood there for a brief second, just gazing upon Trevor. He took a deep breath, letting his heart have this moment. Never did it pound so wildly at the sight of another. His eyes took in the tight fitting, knit, royal blue polo stretched across Trevor’s broad shoulders and muscular chest. All that hard muscled goodness tapered into a small waist. Although tempted, Reed thought it best to not look much lower at this stage of the game. Instead, he flipped his eyes up at Trevor’s face. Trevor seemed to be staring at Brody, concentrating hard. Reed knew Trevor’s eyes were a deep ocean blue—he’d fantasized about them for most of the day—and now he could see the color of Trevor’s shirt would complement the color of his eyes. Pieces of his short auburn hair fell across his forehead, giving a youthful charm to Trevor’s classically handsome features. Watching Trevor now, he realized he missed his slightly crooked nose and wondered when exactly he might have broken it.
Guiding his father quickly back to the two men, Reed thought about Trevor’s fair complexion. He wanted to look again to see if he had any freckles. Reed didn’t remember seeing any the night before, and the question plagued his mind for most of the day. Grinning to himself, he absently wondered if this could be what love at first sight might feel like?
“Evening! Sorry we’re late. I see we arrived just in time for the show though,” Reed shouted after finally reaching his brother’s side. Rylie looked incredibly uncomfortable and his father jumped in right away.
“Come have a seat with me. This music’s too loud for me to hear my own thoughts.” In his father’s usual way, Carson took control of the situation, ushering Rylie off to a table. Reed watched them for a moment before turning to acknowledge the handsome man beside him.
“Good evening, Trevor,” he said loudly. He could tell the guy must have drunk quite a bit by the way he swayed, but Trevor also looked visibly upset. Waving his hand in front of Trevor’s face, Reed shot him a flirtatious grin, trying again to gain his attention “Trevor...hello...?”
Reed followed Trevor’s line of sight, seeing Brody rise with the redhead stripper’s legs locked around his hips. Her clothing now completely gone except for the spiky high heels digging in Brody’s ass, they made their way to the nearest restroom. Trevor spun away; a look of shock crossed his face when he finally noticed Reed. He gave a smile, and the worry lines creasing his forehead simply vanished. His eyes lit as his drunken gaze focused intently on Reed’s face for several long moments. Reed hoped this look meant Trevor was genuinely happy to see him. He appeared almost surprised, and then his gaze softened and a deep need showed plainly on his face.
“Your lips are the most beautiful I’ve ever seen,” Trevor said, grabbing onto Reed’s shirt. “I’m tired of waiting. I thought about you all day.” Trevor pulled Reed forward, crushing their lips together. The moment Trevor made contact, the wall behind him gave way. They both tumbled out the side door, into the night. Reed pitched forward, stumbling hard, but never let go of Trevor while struggling to keep them both on their feet. They performed an uncoordinated dance, tumbling, trying to stay upright.
“I thought for a moment the earth was moving beneath my feet,” Reed said, his lips curled into a dark grin.
Trevor didn’t say a word, but a drunken smile slowly slid across his face. His hands snaked out, reaching for Reed again. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. The sexual tension took Reed’s breath in a huff. The intensity in Trevor’s gaze caught him completely off guard. This time, Trevor carefully brushed his lips against Reed’s ever so lightly.
Oh, fuck yeah.
Seizing the moment, unwilling to let it pass, Reed leaned in, pressing his lips to Trevor’s. He gently let his tongue trace across the seam. Oh Lord, did he want inside Trevor’s mouth. Hell, Reed really just wanted to be inside Trevor; he’d fantasized about making love to him for most of the last twenty four hours. Tugging Trevor closer, Reed stayed within a breath of Trevor’s mouth. He softly cupped his face, running his thumb across his full bottom lip.
“I’ve thought of little else since first laying eyes on you.” Slanting his mouth above Trevor’s, Reed kissed him. Hard. His breath hitched as Trevor parted his lips, allowing immediate entrance. Their tongues mingled and swirled. Reed opened his mouth wider, and Trevor pushed his tongue deeper inside. His first instinct was to suck Trevor’s tongue even further into his mouth. Reed wanted to completely fill himself with this man.
Smoothing his hand over Trevor’s neck and chest, Reed let his fingertips glide down his sides and around his waist. His mouth devoured Trevor’s in a slow dance of teeth, lips, and tongues. The feel of Trevor’s mouth working beneath his, the urgency of the kiss, sent him spinning. God, Reed longed to be deep inside this one. The need to make Trevor his own overwhelmed him. He never felt such an intense connection in his life. Reed’s breath hitched again when Trevor’s strong hands gripped his rock hard cock, rubbing him with urgency. He let his own hand slide down Trevor’s firm ass, then around his hips to grind against Trevor’s thick dick, delighted to find Trevor as aroused as he. The contact caused Trevor’s kiss to become harder, more demanding. Reed deepened the kiss, matching the hungry touches with his own. Trevor shoved him back. And a small sound escaped his lips when his back hit the hard brick wall.
Oh dear God, this was going to be good
“You’re beautiful...I’ve waited too long and I’m tired of being without,” Trevor said sloppily, taking the step to Reed, while having to put his hand on the wall to steady himself. With his other hand, Trevor began to unbutton his pants. Frustration crossed his brow. “Damn these pants are fuckin’ hard to get undone.”
Reed spent much of the day thinking of how he wanted to make love to Trevor. Slowly, so slowly, he envisioned hours of exploring every inch of Trevor’s muscular body with his fingers, mouth, and tongue. Reed wanted Trevor to tremble beneath his touch. He wanted to torturously draw out the time to pleasure Trevor properly. But hell, he could play this game too. Reed liked it rough, hard, and fast. If Trevor wanted it this way, who was he to deny the guy? Opening his eyes, Reed moved to help Trevor unbutton his slacks, hoping to move things along a little faster.
“How does it work from here? I haven’t done this before, and I need you to be gentle. Am I supposed to ask that? If not, ignore it. Any way is good,” Trevor said.
Reed smiled as Trevor’s eyes rolled to the back of his head when he slid his hand inside his pants, but Trevor’s mumblings stopped him from going any further. Reed could easily take advantage of this situation, and lord knew that’s what he wanted to do, but his heart told him Trevor would be worth the wait. Besides, Trevor was too drunk to make a conscious decision. Reed should have realized this when they tumbled out the door.
Fuck! Where the hell did this bout of conscience come from
? Groaning, Reed placed his hands over Trevor’s, who stayed focused on pulling himself free of his clothing. Reed needed to make sure he’d heard right, praying desperately he hadn’t.
“Trevor, hold up, and look at me.” Trevor’s eyes slowly focused on Reed’s as he quietly asked, “Have you ever been with a man before?”
“No, no, I haven’t. But he doesn’t want me and I want to have sex. It’s cool. It’s dumb to be saving myself. That’s just fuckin’ dumb.” Frustration laced Trevor’s voice. He pushed away from the wall, stumbled back several steps, but stayed on his feet. Trevor shoved his pants down to free himself.
“Oh yeah, look, I’m really ready! I want this, I want you,” Trevor said as he reached down to grip himself, stroking tip to base. He gave a little moan of pleasure. With his pants around his ankles, Trevor took small steps back to Reed who still leaned against the wall.
“I really want you. I want to kiss you again. I love the way your lips feel against mine. It was a good first kiss, I think, right? I’ve never kissed another man before. Damn, I can’t understand why in hell I’m saying all this shit to you. I need to shut the fuck up. I sound pathetic as hell. I never talk and can’t seem to shut the fuck up now... Whatever, just fuck me,” Trevor said, his voice trailing off. He reached out, grabbing Reed’s hand and shoving it down to his swollen cock. Trevor stumbled on his own feet, bumping hard into Reed’s chest with his arm and shoulder.
A deep sigh tore from Reed as his head fell back against the bricks. Reed struggled to push his devious thoughts from his mind, but dear God, he wanted to stroke Trevor. Reed loved the feel of Trevor’s warm, thick cock slipping through his hand.
Get a grip, Reed
. Hell yeah, he wanted to get a grip! He desperately wanted to wrap his fingers around Trevor with both his hands... No! Fuck his hands! He wanted to take Trevor with his mouth and tongue. Just the thought made Reed harden even more. Yes, his mouth would be a much better choice, allowing Reed to feel and explore every beautiful inch of that glorious cock. All the time Reed battled with himself over right and wrong, Trevor continued to stroke himself as if nothing else mattered. Reed’s hand finally snaked up Trevor’s back, cupping the nape of his neck, drawing Trevor back to him.
“Trevor, listen to me. You’re pushing every boundary I have at this moment,” Reed groaned breathlessly as he lightly slid his mouth across Trevor’s. “I can think of no better pleasure at this moment than to force you against the wall and grant your wish.”
Letting his hand drop on top of Trevor’s hand, Reed tightened his grip on the swollen cock, allowing his thumb to circle the thick broad head. His tongue slowly slid across Trevor’s trembling lips. “Listen to me, you’re not pathetic and it’s not dumb to save yourself. The man who pushed you away is a fool. I don’t know how he could do it because I’m having a very hard time controlling myself right now. I want you so badly, I ache.” Reed smiled softly. “And if that was your first kiss with a man, then I am honored you chose to share it with me. If I have my way, I can assure you it won’t be our last.”
Leaning in, Reed pressed his lips to Trevor’s. He wouldn’t let it go any farther than this, but Trevor needed to be reassured he was wanted. Trevor began to stroke himself faster as the demanding kiss continued. Struggling within his inner self, Reed’s hand rode on top of Trevor’s.
Do I stop him? Do I let him finish?
Reed wanted to push Trevor’s hand out of the way, drop to his knees, and take him into his mouth to help him find his release. But Reed knew where that would lead, so instead, he broke from the kiss long enough to grab his handkerchief from his pocket. He spun Trevor so his back rested against the wall.
“Oh yeah...that feels so fucking good. I need it harder. Shit, the fuckin’ spinning won’t stop!” Trevor said, opening his eyes, gazing up into the night sky. “God, this feels so good.” Trevor’s hips began bucking back and forth, pushing into Reed’s hand.
Forcefully, Reed slammed his mouth against Trevor’s, sucking his tongue deep into his mouth. Reed wrapped his fingers tightly around Trevor’s hand and strengthened his strokes. “God, this is all I can do for you right now, Trevor. I want you so fucking bad, but not like this, not with you this drunk.”
Again, Reed questioned this new found conscience. He ran his lips and mouth across Trevor’s jaw and neck, whispering sweet words of encouragement against his warm skin. Trevor was intoxicating. Reed’s own arousal throbbed, straining against the binding material. He ached to be touched. Instead, he kept to his word. His pants stayed zipped, his hand stayed on top of Trevor’s as his breaths deepened, becoming erratic.
Trevor’s head rolled back. His lips parted as his body began to tighten. Reed knew he was close. Pulling back, he looked down making sure the handkerchief was opened before he lowered it.
“Trevor, look at me! I want it to be me you see when you come...I want it to always be me,” Reed whispered urgently. Trevor’s cerulean gaze met his. Reed felt his body buck, his hips arch forward, and his arousal was pushed hard into Reed’s hand. Trevor shuddered, but his blue eyes stayed focused on him as the release came. After the last spasm shook Trevor’s body, Reed wrung the last drop from him before disposing of the cloth. Reed kept Trevor in his arms, slanting his mouth over his still parted lips. He couldn’t help but push his tongue into Trevor’s mouth, their eyes locked as they kissed.
After a minute, Trevor pulled himself from the kiss, leaning his head back but keeping his eyes on Reed. Asmile spread across his lips. “I finally had sex the right way, with a man. Damn, it was so good...I knew it would be.” Trevor pitched forward, grabbing for his stomach, pushing hard from the wall. His pants still at his ankles, he muttered, “Oh hell!” Stumbling over his pants, he finally threw up.
“It’s okay, Trev. I’m going to get you home. Although I must say I don’t think I’ve ever brought on this reaction to anyone ever before,” Reed said, lightly patting Trevor’s back, chuckling at his own remark.

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