Kindle Alexander - Up In Arms (4 page)

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Authors: Kindle Alexander

BOOK: Kindle Alexander - Up In Arms
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“Here let me help you with your pants,” he added, once Trevor appeared to be finished. Bending over, Reed angled his head, looking back up the long line of Trevor’s body. The guy was built like a Greek god, and even with his cock half erect, Trevor was still very impressive. Sighing, Reed rose, pulling Trevor’s pants up his muscular thighs. He laughed at the helpless, drunken flailing of arms which meant Reed had to do all the work. Reed quickly tucked Trevor in his pants, zipping and buttoning him up, and then placed an arm around his shoulders to hold him upright.
“Come on, handsome. Let’s get you home.”
They made their way across the parking lot to his car. Trevor moved in sloppy movements, staying quiet except for the occasional moan. Reed propped him up against the side of the car, making sure he didn’t fall forward. With his free hand, Reed took his keys from his pocket and unlocked the doors with a click of the button. “Here we go, why don’t you sit right here. Let me help you.” Lowering him into the seat, Reed reached across Trevor to adjust the strap. “Let me just find the buckle, babe.”
From nowhere, Reed felt Trevor’s hand cupping his cheek. A velvety moist tongue licked up his neck. Trevor’s hot breath tickled his ear. A shiver ran up Reed’s spine when Trevor gently bit the soft skin of his earlobe before sucking the tender flesh into his mouth. But then a moan that was decidedly unsexy escaped Trevor lips as he dropped his head back to the head rest and once again held his stomach.
“Shit, I shouldn’t have done that. Crap, I feel like shit.”
Stunned completely, Reed blinked at Trevor. The feel of Trevor’s tongue and teeth on his skin shot straight to his already aching cock. Thank goodness the fresh bout of nausea halted Trevor’s pursuit because Reed didn’t think he could have held back any longer. He placed the tip of his finger on Trevor’s chin, pulling his head back down, looking him directly in the eye.
“You seriously keep pushing at my boundaries. You afford me too much credit as a gentleman, much more then what I truly deserve,” Reed’s said in a strained whisper. Trevor’s face paled and Reed quickly added, “Hold on, I’ll get you home.”
Leaning over, Reed placed his keys in the ignition and started the car. He turned the air on full blast and rolled down the windows. Standing outside the car, he pulled out his phone and sent a text to his brother.

I’ve got Trevor. He’s drunk and sick, ready to go home. I’ll make sure he gets there safely. Please get Dad home safe. If you can’t, tell him to text me and I’ll come pick him up. Love you, brother.

Pressing send, Reed hurried to his trunk, looking for anything to use as a trash can just in case Trevor didn’t make it out the window.
Finding a grocery sack, he snagged it and then slid into the driver’s seat. Trevor sat very still with hands across his stomach. Placing the sack in Trevor’s lap, Reed said, “If you feel sick, please throw up in here, got it?”
Trevor let out another groan, which Reed took as a yes. Satisfied his interior was as safe as it could be, he pulled out of the parking lot and onto the street.
“Did I please you?” Trevor mumbled softly. “You know, did you...was it good for you too?”
Reed took his eyes from the road to look at the gorgeous, drunk man peeking at him with only one eye open and his head awkwardly pressed against the passenger side seat. Reed grinned; the sweet question took him off guard. Thinking for a moment on how to respond, Reed turned back to watch the road in front of him. By the time he glanced back over at Trevor to answer, he noticed that Trevor passed out.
Pulling onto the highway, he thought over the night and how the shy, sexy male intrigued him. Oh, how Trevor intrigued him. The vision of Trevor with his head against the brick wall, the look of pure ecstasy crossing his face, the sounds escaping through his full lips when his body released, all caused Reed to shift uncomfortably in his seat. He never turned down sex. It didn’t matter where or with whom, he never said no. And he certainly never required anyone to look at him when they came. But every instinct told him, Trevor was special. Reed needed to do everything he could to hold on to this man.
Driving past the front gates of Rylie’s apartments, Reed snaked through the complex, pulling into the parking spot closest to his brother’s door. He sat there a minute, and hoped Trevor didn’t try anything else because his resolve grew weaker with each touch or shyly spoken word. Thoughts of Trevor sleeping next to him became more intense the longer he sat in the car. Slowly, he let out his pent-up breath and killed the purr of the engine with a flip of his key.
“Trevor, hey, handsome, wake up,” Reed said, opening his car door. He decided it might be better if he tried not to stir Trevor too much, and circled round to the passenger side of the car. Opening the door, he leaned in and unfastened the seat belt. He lifted Trevor’s arm to slide it around his neck, pulling him from the car with a groan.
“Damn, you’re heavy. Just hold on to me.” With a gentle kick to close the car door, Reed added, “Come on, let’s get you inside. It’s chilly out here.” He kept a tight hold on Trevor as they stumbled across the dark parking lot; the chilly late April air danced across their skin caused him to hurry Trevor to the front door of the apartment.
“Here we are, home at last. Shit!” Reed reached for the door, and found it locked. Propping Trevor against the bricks, one steadying hand on Trevor’s chest, he searched the pockets for the house key. “Trevor, did Rylie give you a key? I need your keys. Help me out here. Keys, please.”
Trevor looked at Reed, his eyes just barely small slits, and a grin spread across his lips. “My name is Trevor, not Key. The Keys are in Florida, I think. I can’t really remember for sure right now though. You have the most striking eyes, did you know that?” Trevor looked around the porch, then down to where Reed’s hands were on him, and his grin widened. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to go at it on the porch with the lights on, but move your hand over just a little and yeah...” He moaned, dropping his head back with a thump on the brick wall.
“No, don’t stop,” Trevor said, jerking his head forward when Reed finally found the keys. Reed reached over to unlock the front door, pushing it open. He pulled the drunken man forward, trying to get him through the door. Trevor did cooperate but stumbled, and then fell hard against Reed’s chest.
“Are you all right?” Reed asked, trying to help keep Trevor on his feet.
“I don’t normally drink this much. HANG ON! I got this. Come on,” Trevor replied, lurching through the living room. Reed stayed directly behind him, keeping the pictures on the wall and the furniture upright.
“Stay here. I’ll be back,” Trevor said, as he reached the door of the guest bedroom. He wobbled off to the bathroom, and Reed smiled as he looked around. Even though Trevor had been here for a few days, the room was spotless, not a thing out of place, no suitcase, or travel bag anywhere in sight. Walking to the dresser, Reed ran his finger across the different bottles of expensive colognes lying out. He palmed the closest bottle, lifting it to his nose, inhaling deeply. Trevor chose to wear this scent tonight, and Reed thought it suited him completely. Setting the bottle back in its place, he noticed a small collection of cuff-links. Expensive cologne and cuff-links. Reed needed to remember this for future gifts.
He picked up a few snapshots lying on the dresser. Rylie, Trevor, and Brody...all in combat gear. Reed looked closer; the three men smiled in the pictures, but they looked more like warriors than soldiers. Rylie carried a sense of weariness in his eyes, and Reed noticed the other two men wore similar expressions. Looking closer, Reed decided perhaps weariness wasn’t the right word. Maybe it centered more in a sadness of things they’d witnessed over the years. They were too young to bear that kind of knowledge, those kinds of memories.
A loud crash startled Reed from his musings. He hurried to the bathroom door, knocking lightly. “Trevor, are you okay? Do you need me to help you?”
“Nah, I’m good. Hang on! Don’t leave!”
Another loud bang sounded, and then several minutes passed before the door opened. Reed’s lips slid into a slow, wicked smile as he gazed at the suddenly naked man. Trevor’s hair was wet, standing up in every direction, but Reed paid no attention to it. His full concentration remained fixed on Trevor’s body. Just as he’d guessed, there wasn’t an ounce of fat anywhere on the sculpted body standing before him. This man was pure muscle from head to toe, and Trevor’s thick cock was jutting straight out, begging to be touched.
“You’re still here?” Trevor asked, walking forward, pushing Reed backward while at the same time reaching to kiss him. The bed hit the back of Reed’s legs, and Trevor fell with him onto the mattress. A constant barrage of kisses struck Reed’s neck and jaw. Slick tendrils of wet hair brushed against Reed’s chin. Trevor’s soft lips nipped and sucked all along his neck, driving Reed to the brink of insanity. Reed ran his hands down the length of Trevor’s firm naked body, and he struggled with himself for the third time that night. He didn’t know if he could maintain himself this time around.
Trevor lifted, gazing down at Reed. A sexy smile spread across his lips. “It’s your turn to top, I don’t mind. I want you to want me.” The confession stunned Reed, stopping the play of his hands edging down Trevor’s tight ass as his heart took in some of the sweetest words he’d ever heard.
“I do want you. Can’t you feel how badly?” he asked, running his lips across Trevor’s jaw. His mouth slowly found Trevor’s soft full lips. Pushing his tongue forward, Reed moaned as it brushed against Trevor’s. Reed tasted the cool mint of toothpaste, and grinned into the kiss, deepening it. He never stopped stroking the rigid muscles running up Trevor’s back. Not allowing himself to think, Reed opened his legs more, cradling the naked body between his thighs. He slid his hand up, allowing his fingers to tangle in Trevor’s hair, and then ground his arousal against Trevor’s. Reed groaned, knowing he must do something fast because he was quickly losing the battle with his will.
“Trevor, go out with me tomorrow night.”
In one quick movement, Reed flipped Trevor on his back brushing the wet hair from his brow. He stared down into hypnotically beautiful blue eyes; eyes he found himself wanting to look into for many years to come. With a smile, Reed realized just how true the things he heard from his family about finding the one were. Every one of the men in his family had
just known
the first time they laid eyes on their mates. Reed felt that pull now for this sexy, drunk man lying underneath him. And the revelation made his heart slam against his ribcage. “Will you allow me the honor of escorting you to dinner tomorrow evening? I want to get to know you. I want to learn everything about you. Please say yes.”
“How can you talk with all this spinning?” Trevor asked, reaching up to grip Reed’s shirt. “We have to stop the spinning.” He shook his head as if forcing himself to stay awake. After a moment, concern filled his eyes. “Are you saying the safe word’s yes? Are you sure? I haven’t heard that one yet. Shit! I must’ve been drugged. They must’ve drugged me. I should’ve watched for that tonight. I thought I was safe here. Damn it! Yes, I’ll say it, yes, but don’t let them drug you.” A soft snore ripped from the back of his throat as his eyes fluttered shut.
Reed would take that yes, although he couldn’t be sure Trevor knew what he said yes to. He smiled as he rolled off the bed. Trevor looked exquisite as he slept. Reed reached down to pull the duvet up, tucking Trevor in before he bent to place a tender kiss on his forehead.
Trevor would be needing aspirin in the morning and perhaps a glass of water during the night. Reed went to the bathroom only to pause at the door. The bathroom lay in complete shambles. It looked like a tornado hit it. The towel rack was on the floor, wrenched right off the wall. Clothes were scattered about, along with various bottles of gel, toothpaste, aftershave, and an electric razor. What a mess! Bending down, Reed began to gather the items off the floor, placing them on the counter. He picked up the clothes, folding them neatly as he went. The cabinet door fell in his hands as he open the small medicine cabinet. Setting it to the side, Reed found the aspirin and swept his eyes around for a glass, finally finding a small disposable one in the cabinet.
Reed tiptoed back into the room with the essential supplies, which he placed on the bedside table. Moving quickly to the desk in the corner of the room, Reed scribbled down a note.
You have so graciously agreed to see me tomorrow night. Thank you. I will be here to pick you up at eight pm. Dress will be casual.
You have my number so do not hesitate to call. I must say I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow evening.
PS: I thought you might need the aspirin. You had a rather fun time at the bachelor party.
Walking back over to the nightstand he propped the piece of paper next to the glass of water and bottle of aspirin. With one last look at Trevor, Reed whispered, “See you tomorrow, handsome. Sleep well.”

Chapter Four

Late in the morning, Reed wiped the steam from the mirror to better see his reflection. He raked his fingers through his thick blond waves to fix his hair in the latest style. It only took a minute. Satisfied with the result, he smiled, but his mind returned to the intriguing man who hadn’t seemed to stray too far from thoughts for the last couple of days. Those thoughts of Trevor caused his body to harden for the third time today. The last episode of pleasuring himself in the shower, only thirty minutes ago, still hadn’t squelched his need for Trevor, no more than it did this morning when he woke. Dear God, Trevor had him all wound up.

Reed stood there, staring at himself, letting his mind wander again to last night. He pictured Trevor outside the bar. Trevor’s pants hitting the ground while the soft breeze blew his short auburn hair. Need filled those ocean blue eyes when Trevor began to stroke himself. Oh Lord, the image captivated him, forever etched into his mind. Closing his eyes, Reed remembered every little detail and slid his hand down his ripped stomach, vividly recalling Trevor’s rich dark scent, and how Trevor’s sweet mouth and wicked tongue moved in perfect rhythm with his own. Reed’s breath hitched as his fingers wrapped around his aching cock. He stroked from base to tip, needing to release more of the built up tension again raging through his body. Reed groaned as he remembered how Trevor’s thick, hard cock felt sliding against his bare palm.

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