My Libertine (Trio Book 2) (19 page)

BOOK: My Libertine (Trio Book 2)
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Returning from the bathroom I am about to sit down when I hear a knock at the door. Looking over I don't see anyone outside the glass. Maybe a package? We have a drop box for weekends but since my car was out front they left it at the door. Who knows. I decide to go and check just in case.

I unlock the door and before I can open it to peek my head out it is being pushed in and I'm being pushed with it. Fuck. I don't see who has shoved their way into the office because I lose my balance and fall to the floor.

“Surprise bitch.” That voice makes my hair stand on end. I look up to see Chase standing above me with a sickening grin on his face. “Should have fucken listened to me and got rid of the baby, because of you I lost everything.” He sneers.

“You lost your money by your own doing.” I spat at him. He steps closer to me being sure to lock the door behind him. Stepping closer he brings his foot back and then slams it into my ribs knocking all of the air out of my lungs. Gasping for my breath I roll to my side and clutch my stomach. A wave of nausea hits me but I keep it back sucking in as deep of breaths as I can get.

“Your doing bitch!” he kicks me again, harder this time. “You fucked my life by having that fucking kid!” Another kick. “Then your fucking dad goes and threatens me! ME!” he kicks again. I'm trying my hardest to shield myself from his anger but it doesn't work. Then he reaches down and grabs me by the hair. It is pulled back so it's easy for him to get a full handful of it. He brings me up so I'm standing before him, I can smell the alcohol on his breath.”You cowboy isn’t here to save you now, is he?” Then he lets me go only to bring his hand back and backhand me across the face. He has some kind of ring on, probably some pussy class ring or something and it cuts my cheek wide open. I fall onto the floor once more. I can feel a trickle of blood fall and slide down my neck no doubt mixed with my tears.

“Leave Chase, leave now or this is going to get worse. Please.” I sob out.

“Fuck that, I ain't leaving until you're dead bitch.” I know he is drunk enough and mad enough that he will do it. He goes to bring his foot down on me once more, I curl into myself, bracing for the impact. A shatter of glass stops him from his assault. Then he is being tackled to the ground. I look up to see Row slamming his fist into Chase’s face repeatedly.

“You dare to lay your hands on my woman you piece of shit motherfucker.” Oh, god he has to stop or Row is going to be the one killing someone today. I scramble to my hands and knees and crawl to him as fast as I can.

“Row please stop you are going to kill him,” I say finally getting to his side and tugging on his arm. He looks my way and immediately stops what he is doing.

“Fuck Dove.” He pulls me into his arms and lifts us off of the floor. He takes me over to the nearest desk and places me on it pulling back to check me over. “You have blood all over where are you hurt?” I look down at my white shirt, the blood from my face has covered half of my shirt and I can still feel it trickle from my face. Face wounds really do gush.

“It's just my cheek that is bleeding,” I say reaching my hand to touch it but he stops me.

“Don't touch it, babe, I will get something. Y’all got napkins or something here?” I nod and point to the coffee station. When he goes to grab them I reach for the phone sitting on the desk and call the police. This asshole is going to jail. I tell them my information and that he is out cold for now but I didn't know for how long. Row comes back with a roll of paper towels and tears a sheet off to press to my cut.

“They said we shout restrain him in case he wakes up,” I repeat the instructions the dispatcher told me.

“Fucker ain't going nowhere right now. Asshole.” He mutters the last part and goes about checking me over lifting my shirt to assess the damage. I hear him curse again then back away running his hands through his hair, pulling at the ends. I pull my shirt up again to look at myself, I already had a large bruise forming along my abdomen and up my ribcage. Asshole is right. Row comes back over to my and puts his hands on my cheeks, mindful of my cut. “Baby. I'm so fucking sorry.” He says against my lips and kisses me softly. He pulls back to look in my face and that is when I see him. Before I can warn Row Chase is right behind him. His arm is up and I just can't get the word out. It all happens in slow motion,I push on Row as hard as I can moving him out of Chase’s reach getting in between the as best as I can taking the blow of the knife in his hand. Sharp pain radiates through my side and I fall forward into Row’s arms. I hear gun shots but it all is fading quickly. I hear Row talking to me telling me to stay awake and keep my eyes open but I can’t. I try so fucking hard but I just can’t do it.

“Row. I love you.” I rasp out. I don't even know if he hears me, it sounds so muffled in my head. I can see he has tears coming from his eyes and is trying his best to hold his hands over my wound. I know it isn't working because everything is getting fuzzier until it finally goes completely black.








“Hey Little Man what do you say we go inside now and get cleaned up, it’s almost bedtime,” I tell Karter. He is swinging on the swing set Lee and I set up for his third birthday last week. I can’t believe he is three already. He is growing up so fast.

“Okay, daddy.” He shouts and comes running over to me. Every time he calls me daddy my heart squeezes. Being his dad is probably the best gift. Grabbing him I swing him up onto my shoulders and we walk to the house. We moved in three houses down from Lee and Linn. It’s been great. They just had a little girl, Kira Shay. She came early but is now home, thank god with no health issues.

When we get inside I put Karter down and he takes off running down the hall. “Get washed up buddy,” I call to his retreating back. Yeah he probably won't but I don't care, he isn't dirty anyway. Going to the fridge I look at the pictures stuck on with magnets before opening it, pulling out a bottle of water. Closing it again I look at the picture of Shana and me shortly after she declared that we have an open relationship. Fucking crazy woman. I remember not wanting to agree but being too selfish to disagree with it. I fucking wanted her but didn't trust myself to be what she needed, deserved. A throb in my chest hits me when I think back to that night I almost did fuck someone else.

“What are you doing?” that sweet yet raspy voice asks from behind me. A voice that sends shock waves right to my cock every time. Turning around I see my beautiful wife, her small baby bump barely shows but with the tight tank top she is wearing I can see it perfectly. She is so fucking amazing.

“Hey, Dove.” I pull her into my arms and kiss her. When that fucking asshole Chase stabbed her he nicked an artery causing her to nearly bled out right there in my arms. We were only a couple blocks from the hospital and the dispatcher had also called for an ambulance. This had saved her life. She had three blood transfusions and died once but came back to me. I got a taste of what she possibly went through when I was in the hospital.

“Just thinking back is all. Still, can't believe you were going to let me fuck other chicks.” I say it cockily. I might talk a big game but that is all it is, just talk. She knows this, but I like our banter. I know she does too.

“I knew you weren't going to.” She looks up at me smiling.

“Oh yeah?” she just nods and reaches up on her tip toes to kiss me. I run my hands along her and when I get to her waist I lift her onto the counter top pushing myself in between her legs. Rubbing my erection against her core. Groaning I cup her ass cheeks and push harder making her suck in a breath.

“Where is Karter?” she is breathless and I know it won't take much to make her come right now but I slow it down, earning me a groan from her. She knows I'm teasing her, she can’t fucking stand it.

“He is probably in his room playing now.” I breathe into her ear and nibble on the lobe. She starts to move her hips more, rubbing on my cock. Fucking greedy girl. I love it. I hear a knock at the door and she lets out a frustrated groan.

“We gotta get that Row.” I almost tell her that she doesn't need to but something makes me decide against it. I put her back on the floor and go answer the door. Opening it up I don't expect to see Dez on the other side. He looks beaten down. “Hey, man. What’s going on?” I question, he starts to tell me but that is when Shana comes to my side. She takes one look at him and I can see the look on her face drop in an instant.

“Dez?” she questions.

“You probably should call Linn.” Is all Dez says. She nods then grabs her phone. She holds her own for only a moment, then the tears start coming. I can vaguely hear what she is saying to Linn before she hands the phone to Dez. Having him explain what is going on. I take my wife in my arms and hold her tight waiting for her to calm down.

“Dove what’s going on?” I ask pulling her back, searching her eyes for answers.

“We lost her.” She sobs out. It hits me then what has happened.

“I'm so sorry baby, so sorry.” I hug her back in my arms and hold her tight, letting her cry it out on my shoulder.








“Hey Cristal, what can I do for you today?” Dez asks from the front desk of Inked Steel. He has been manning the front desk since Candy quit when she had her baby. Since that whole fiasco we have gotten back to being friends, but just that. I don't think I could ever be more with him.

I have been in here several times to finish the tattoo he started the day I came in with the girls almost five years ago now. Five years is a ridiculously long time to finish a tattoo but I only got parts of it done in small sessions. I couldn't stand having him touch me for long periods of time. There was also that period of time where Dez and I didn't speak. The tattoo is actually what got us talking to each other again. Having someone else finish it would have just be wrong.

Today though I have something else on my mind. Something that has piqued my curiosity.

“Hi, Dez. I want to get a piercing today.” He is stunned for a second. Shocked I'm sure. I know he doesn't do the piercings, they have a woman that does them. I'm glad for that. I don't really want him to know what I am getting pierced. I didn't even tell the girls about this, well honestly they haven't even seen my tattoo, so why would I share this?

“Alright.” He says skeptically. “Fill this out and I will get Stoke.” I don't even get to ask him who Stoke is before he gets up and walks away. I inwardly start to panic. This is reoccurring. I wish I could get over the fear of meeting new people, men mainly.

“Alright man, I’ll keep that in mind.” I hear a thick throaty laugh around the corner along with Dex’s laugh. I look up from filling out the consent form to a pair of dark eyes hidden behind black rimmed glasses. Shaggy deep brown hair hangs down to the top of the glasses, it's messy and sticking out all over the place but shaved on the sides. His clothes aren't any better. Ripped jeans and a gray tee shirt that is almost see through with rips on the shoulder. It could have once had a logo on it when it was new but years of wash and wear have made it fade.

“Hello there. Cristal?” he says with a crooked smile and a cocked eyebrow. His lip is pierced much like Dez’s and when he smiles my attention is drawn right to it. Then he licks his lips.

Something strange happens in that moment. I feel butterflies low in my stomach and a pull down in places that I haven't felt them before. Goosebumps pop up all over my arms and I'm sure my face is red. I hear Dez clear his throat and I snap out of my funk.

“Um. Yes, that is me. Hi. I'm Cristal.” He already knows your name stupid. I inwardly scold myself. “Here.” I hand him my filled out form.

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