Royal Encounter (Russian Royalty) (3 page)

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“Sorry about I’m Nicolette Dubois and I’m a bit curious as to why you think that the security breech was an inside job?” She asked as she noticed his slight discomfort.

“Well, because first it would be impossible for an outsider to get passed our state-of-the-art security system. Secondly my men are well trained to take down any and all security threats.” Alek said
as he tried to sound confident.

“Well is that so, then out of curiosity can you tell us how your men got those bruises on their faces?
Oh and please don’t try telling us it happened during training exercises.” Nicolette said.

“Uh well um, they may have come into contact with the intruders last night.” Alek said in a slightly shaky voice.

“They may have, did they or didn’t they? And did you say intruders as in more than one and if so where is your proof?” Dmitry said in a frustrated tone.

“Well sir my men did encounter the intruders and I believe it was more than one because there is no way one man could take out several of my men.” Alek replied.

Nicolette laughed out loud as she glanced over at Dmitry who was frowning angrily at Alek before turning to glare at her. “Damn it will you stop laughing?”

“I’m sorry
chéri, he’s just so amusing.” She said.

“Lady I don’t know what you think is so amusing about what I said but I really don’t appreciate your attitude.” Alek said as he stared at her with disdain.

“Is that so? Well then you’re really not going to appreciate this.” She said jumping out of her seat to quickly throw her arm around Dmitry’s neck grabbing him from behind as she pulled him from his chair.

Everyone in the room gasped as her move caught them off guard. Alek and his men went straight for their guns which was a bad idea. Nicolette reached up and pulled a long sharp hair-pin from her topknot that looked more like an ice pick.

“I need for you to trust me chéri.” Nicolette whispered near his ear, Dmitry squeezed her forearm gently to let her know that she had his trust.

“You boys might want to put those guns on the floor or your boss could end up getting hurt.” Nicolette said as she began walking towards them keeping Dmitry in choke hold in front of her.

“I don’t think so lady, you let Mr. Romanov go and we might not shoot you.” Alek said.

“Just out of curiosity
do you think that one of your bullets could reach me before I can push this through his neck severing his jugular?” She asked with a smirk. “Ahh, what’s the matter afraid that you can’t handle me without your weapons?”

“Fine lady we’ll take you on but I assure you that you’re no match for us,
so don’t cry when you end up getting hurt.” Alek said smugly as he put his gun down and instructed his men to do the same.

“Wow, you are so funny, there’s no way that any of you could hurt me even if you tried. However I certainly hope this company has a good medical plan because you’re going to need it by the time I’m finished with you.”
Nicolette said as she gently released Dmitry and moved in front of him towards Alek and the other men.

Dmitry reached out and lightly tugged at the tail of her jacket, Nicolette paused to glance back him. “You don’t have to do this you know?”

She smiled. “I know I don’t chéri, but I really should just to teach these boys a lesson. It’s alright I’ll try to go easy on them.” She said as she unbuttoned her jacket to slip out of it leaving him holding it. That left her wearing a black fitted low cut tank top that was tucked tightly into the waist band of her pants causing it to hug her ample breasts firmly in place.

Alek moved behind his men as she advanced towards them the two men on either end moved closer both in a fight ready stance. “Whenever you’re ready
?” She said waiting for them to attack.

The men lunge at her from either side
she turned to the side put her back to one of the men as she grabbed his fisted hand before kicking the man in front of her. She then elbowed the man behind her whose hand she’d grabbed before pulling him around and into the man in front of her causing both to fall to the floor.

The next man came at her with his fists flying
she began wielding back as she knocked his hand away each time before lunging forward to back-hand him upside the head. The force of her hit knocked him to the floor.

The fo
urth man decided to kick at her which she prevented with a low block, his next move was to punch at her. She stepped to the side and grabbed his wrist rotating her arm she flipped the man to the floor.

Behind her at the conference table Olga and Yuri exchanged glances as they watch Dmitry closely. Without taking his eyes off of Nicolette Dmitry turned his head slightly to the right.

“Where did you say that you knew this woman from and how is it that she can fight like that?” Dmitry asked as he gazed at her in total awe of her fighting ability.

“I told you dear her parents were very good friends of mine.” Olga said sadly.

“Where are her parents now?” Dmitry asked.

“They passed away.” Olga said softly as guilt filled her heart over the death of Nicolette’s parents.

Dmitry knew by the tone of his mother voice that the subject was closed for discussion and that was fine for now however at some point he was going to find out what happened and why his mother was trying to hide it. He refocused his attention on Nicolette and the beating she was putting on his supposedly well trained security team.

“It won’t be as easy to beat me as it was to beat my men.” Alek said angrily as he went into a boxer’s stance.

Nicolette smiled. “We’ll just see about that now won’t we?” She said as she shifted into a martial arts stance bringing both of her hands up in front of her palms positioned inward. She let her back leg bare her weight with the front leg slightly bent ready to kick.

“I really hate to have to beat on a woman but in your case I think I’m going to enjoy this.” Alek said smugly.

“Really, that’s odd because according to your police record beating women was one of your hobbies at least where your ex-wife and last girlfriend were concerned. Although unlike the women in your past I hit back and I promise you that it’s going to hurt like hell.” Nicolette said sarcastically.

“Let see if I can shut you for a while beside I want to find out if you’re as good as you think you are.” He said
in an irritated tone as he glared at her angrily.

“Oh honey you should be careful what you ask for because I’m about to make you really sorry that you decided to get up this morning.” Nicolette said with a big grin as they circled each other in their fight ready stance.

Alek threw the first punch but Nicolette dodged it like a pro as she rounded on him with a right hook that landed on the side of his jaw. He staggered sideways before recovering quickly to kick her in the ribs causing her to flinch slightly.

Nicolette laughed it off before adjusting her stance.
“That the best you got light-weight, you’re going to have to come a hell of a lot harder than that to take me down.”

Her words angered Alek causing him to lung
e forward haphazardly as he swung a few wild punches. Nicolette blocked every one of them before landing an upper cut to his chin making him stagger backward. This time when he came at her he attempted a high kick to her head which she avoided by moving to the side.

She then countered with a quick back-hand to
the side of the head. This time when he staggered Nicolette did a spinning low leg sweep to swipe his legs from beneath him causing Alek to fall to the floor. As Nicolette straightened to her full height he kicked at her but she bent her leg at the knee to block the weak kick before bringing her foot down in his midsection. She then leaned over and punched him in the face knocking him out cold.

“He’s probably going to need some medical attention when he wakes up, but there’s no rush he’ll be out for awhile so we can continue the meeting if you’d like.” Nicolette said as she walked over to side bar to pour herself a glass of water.

Dmitry walked over to join her. “Would you like something stronger than water because I think you’ve earned it?”

chéri but I don’t drink while I’m working.” She replied with a smile.

“Well after this meeting drinks are on me.” He said smiling back at her.

“Really drinks will be on you huh, is that with or without the suit? You know you really shouldn’t tease a woman like that chéri it’s not nice.” She said teasingly in a sweet but seductive tone as she eyed his large wide body.

“Who’s teasing who my sexy siren?” Dmitry whispered with a grin as he helped her into her jacket.

“I guess we’ll find out soon enough, chéri.” Nicolette whispered back as she turned to move past him then paused for a moment. “Oh and I believe this belongs to you.” She said as she slipped the pen that she’d taken from his safe into the breast pocket of his suit then winked as she moved away smiling.

Olga and Yuri didn’t miss the intense exchange between Dmitry and Nicolette. It pleased her to see that her son seemed to enjoying himself, it had been quite a long time since she’d seen him smile so much.
Hopefully she’ll see him smiling a whole lot if with Nicolette around.


Chapter Three


It was more than two hours later when Nicolette was finished explaining her report. Once she finished she paused to answer questions by Dmitry, Olga and Yuri. Of course to be honest Dmitry just wanted this meeting to be over so that he could to Nicolette out for that drink he’d promised her. However he could listen to her talk all day and night the sound of her voice had a profound effect on him. He wasn’t sure whether it was her French accent or her sultry tone but whatever it was she was making him horny as hell.

“Thank you for such a detailed report my dear, we had no idea that our security was lacking so much.” Olga said sat the report on the table in front of her.

“Yes, I also had no idea that our security staff was a team of incompetent morons.” Dmitry said in a frustrated tone.

“I wouldn’t call them morons, you see a lot of companies these days don’t realize that the threat to their security can come from literally anywhere. Criminals a
re getting smarter at figuring out ways to execute their crimes.” Nicolette explained.

“So what you’re saying is that criminals are getting smarter and security is getting dumber and less prepared?” Dmitry asked.

“Not exactly, less prepare yes dumber no. You see things that may have been consider less of a security issue should now be considered just as important. For instance would you like to know how I got into this building last night?” She asked with a devious grin.

“I am a bit curious
.” Dmitry said.

“I believe we all are.” Yuri said laughing lightly as he glanced from Olga to Nicolette.

“I would definitely like to know the answer to that question.” Alek said as he returned to the conference room after being carried out over two hours ago. The rest of the men were already there seated around the conference table.

“Certainly and I’m glad that you could rejoin us, Alek.” Nicolette said as she acknowledged his return.

“Thank you ma’am, so am I and I apologize for interrupting.” He said as he took his seat.

“No apology needed. Now to answer the question of how I entered this building, I went to the roof of the building next door then using a light-weight parachute I glided to this roof.
This building has absolutely no security what-so-ever on the roof.” She said as she glanced around the table.

“That’s true however
all of the doors that lead to and from the roof are locked and secure after business hours.” Alek said.

however those locks can easily be disengaged if an intruder chooses to do so, which I did not, instead I came in through the ventilation system. There are no sensors on those vents to alert security of the intrusion or a malfunction. You do know that that in itself is a code violation for a building this size and with as many employees as you have.” Nicolette said as she looked at Dmitry.

“How in the hell would I know that
? I pay people to take care of those kinds of things.” Dmitry said defensively.

“Uh yeah, as I was saying, once an intruder enters the ventilation system the pretty much have access to the entire building. I could have gotten to the main server and cost this company a lot of money. However I chose to access your office
chéri, which was quite easy.” She said with a smile.

“Great, so tell me siren should I be angry or honored?” He asked curiously.

“I think both, angry that your office is so easily accessible but honored that I was the one that accessed it.” She said with a teasing smile.

“You certainly make it hard for a person to stay mad at you, siren.” Dmitry said with a slight smile.

“Whoa, I seriously doubt that the members of your security team would agree with you.” She said as she glanced around the table pausing to let her gaze rest on Alek who was trying hard to hide his anger but she was good at reading people so she could see the hatred for her in his evil eyes. She wanted to hurl when he flashed a fake, toothy, strained smile.

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