Royal Encounter (Russian Royalty) (2 page)

BOOK: Royal Encounter (Russian Royalty)
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“I’ll get some rest as soon as I finish compiling my report so I’d better get started
, good night and I’ll see you tomorrow.” The woman said as she disconnected the call.


The woman put the finishing touches on her report and hit the print key so that she’d be ready for her meeting in the morning. She smiled to herself as she thought back to her encounter with Dmitry. She hadn’t expected to run into him earlier however it did make the evening quite interesting.

was a very large man the pictures she’d seen of him didn’t come close to his towering size in reality. And she’d only had a chance to see his silhouette and feel his huge body in the dark. She could just imagine what it was going to be like to see him in the full light of day.

She wasn’t at all surprised by his strength it was expected that a man his size would be quite strong. If it hadn’t been for her swiftness, quick thinking and superior defensive training she could’ve found herself in a whole lot of trouble.

The thing that really caught her off guard was the overpowering reaction her body had to him. When he’d placed his hands at her waist tiny electro like shockwaves spiraled through her shooting straight to the area between her legs. That was something she’d never-ever experienced it was quite an alarming sensation, one she wasn’t exactly ready for.

The last thing she was looking for was a relationship especially with a man that had as much baggage as he had. He was not only a widower with two children he was rumored to be a very dangerous and conniving man. That was definitely not the kind of guy she was looking for
if she was even in the market for one which she wasn’t.

Although what harm could
it do to tease him a bit actually it could be quite fun, well that was a thought she’d keep in mind as she did the job she was hired to do. Because for her, work always comes first that was the one thing her parents taught her it’s a mentality that was instilled at a very young age.

And nothing would change that
, all she had left in this world was the company that her parents had started years ago. Now that her parents were no longer alive she was the only one that could keep the company going. Thanks to an old friend of her parents her company has been doing quite well. She’d acquired a number of important contacts that could come in handy in the future.

That friend was the person who’d hired her for the current job she was on
at the moment and she had no intention of letting them down. So right now her main focus had to be completing her current assignment and nothing else.

After showering she slipped into bed between her cool crisp sheets and within minutes she was fast asleep. Unfortunately
her dreams were filled with shadowy images of Dmitry Romanov and sounds of his sexy Russian accented voice ringing in her head. Her wretched body could almost feel his large hands roaming all over her heated skin causing the involuntary release of juices to flow between her legs and soak the bed sheets.

Damn this man was going to be hell on her poor senses
if she didn’t figure out a way to guard herself from his effect on her. She thought as she awakened in a pool of her own juices.


Dmitry awakened with a start from a dream that seemed so real that it had made his cock as hard as a rock. Damn it, how could a woman whose face that he hadn’t even seen wreak such havoc on his senses. In his dreams he could still feel her body beneath his and what her waist felt like in his hands.

He had to find that woman if it was the last thing he ever did in this world because
he’d never felt this way about a woman. She was so vibrant and agile being near her had sent alarming sensations coursing through his needy body.

without seeing her face being near her made the blood in his vein heat with a true blood pumping desire and he may not know who she was right now, but come hell or high water she would be his.

Dmitry climbed out of bed and headed for the bathroom to take a cold shower not that he thought it would work her effect on him was to
o potent. However he seriously doubts he’d be able to get back to sleep besides he’d have to be up again in a couple of hours anyway.



Chapter Two

It was just after nine the next morning that Dmitry entered the conference room at Russian Royalty Inc. When he arrived his mother Olga Romanov as well as her right-hand-man, personal confidant and company lawyer Yuri Babin were already seated and waiting.

Good morning mother and Yuri how are the two of you doing this morning?” Dmitry asked as he sat down in the chair to his mother's left.

Well you certainly seem to be in a delightful mood this morning.” Olga said curiously.

Or course is there a reason that I shouldn't be?” He asked with a curious smile.

“Are you not aware of all the excitement we seemed to have had?” Olga asked.

“Oh, believe me I am more than aware of all the excitement.” Dmitry said with a curiously pleasant smile.

Uh, I believe that Olga is referring to the breeched security incident which occurred last night.” Yuri replied.

Yes that's exactly what I was referring to and I’d like to know how you plan to handle this situation?” Olga asked as she glanced over at him.

Oh I definitely plan to address this unacceptable situation as soon as we’re finished with this meeting. Although we may end up being short a few staff members by the time I'm done but I assure you that it will be handled.” Dmitry said confidently.

Well, in any case I have someone I'd like for you to meet that will be a great help to you getting this situation solved.” Ola said in a serious and cautious tone.

Thanks mother but I think that I have the situation under control.” Dmitry said irritated that Olga didn't believe that he could handle this.

I'm sure that you do dear however would it be too much to ask for you to just humor your mother this once. I was very close friends with this person’s parents and I think you'll find what they have to say very interesting and no doubt extremely helpful.” Olga said in a slightly amused tone.

Fine anything for you mother so who is this person that I'll find so interesting?” Dmitry asked.

Yuri will you be a dear and show our guest in?” Olga said with a smile.

“Of course it would be my pleasure.”
Yuri replied with a smile as he walked to the door opening it for their guest to enter.

When Dmitry li
fted his gaze he was dumbstruck by the tall pecan tan beauty with the hazel eyes that was walking through the door. His heart began to skip a beat and fluttered wildly in his chest as he watched her long sexy stride into the room carrying a very expensive looking
attaché case

The red pantsuit she was wearing fit her curvaceous
figure like a custom made glove the sleeves of her jacket were pushed up over her forearms. Her red pumps sported a heel that had to be at least four inches making her slightly taller than his six foot three inch height, which put her true height at around six feet even.

Her heart stopping smile revealed a set of gorgeous dimples
. She appeared to be staring right at him as she made her way towards the chair beside him. Dmitry stood slowly to pull out the chair for her causing her to smile as she sat down.

Once he’d retaken his seat Olga happily made the introductions. “Dmitry, I’d like for you to meet Nicolette Dubois, Nicolette this is my son and CEO of Russian Royalty Dmitry. You’ll have a chance to meet his security team later.”

“Hello, Dmitry it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Nicolette said in fluent Russian wearing a sexy smile.

Dmitry wasn’t exactly sure what he was
expecting to hear when she spoke but it definitely wasn’t for her to speak to him in perfect Russian dialect.  To say that he was shocked was an understatement, this beautiful woman of color spoke Russian as well as he did.

“I believe that the pleasure is all mine or it will be.” Dmitry replied in Russian as he gazed over at the woman beside him.

“We shall see now won’t we?” She said in Russian before turning her attention to Olga and Yuri speaking to them with heavily French accented English. “Good morning, I have the report you hired me to compile.” Nicolette reached into her
attaché case
to retrieve three binders and proceeded to hand each of them one.

“Thank you dear I
knew that I could count on you please continue as we review your report.” Olga said as she began to glance through the binder of papers.

“Yes ma’am, as you can see this report details the
problems I found with your security. Your security people are under-trained and ill-prepared when it comes to handling issues that may occur.” Nicolette was saying before being interrupted by Dmitry who seemed very upset.

“Excuse me
but my security people were trained by my head of security who is one of the best and not only that we own a state of the art security system.” Dmitry said defensively causing his Russian accent to sound thicker than usual.

“That so-called state-of-the-art security system is a piece of crap and your head of security is a joke.
You have more holes in your security than a shipment of Swiss cheese not to mention the number of blind spots where it would be so easy to breech.” She said.

“Just how in the hell do you know so much about my security anyway?” He demanded angrily.

“I believe you had a major security breech last night both here and at the Romanov estate?” She inquired innocently.

“So, what in the hell does that have to do with you?” He demanded rudely.

Nicolette gazed at him for a moment as a smile slowly lit her face. “That security breech was all me chéri.”

s eyes widened as he gazed at her in disbelief, unable to believe that this is the same woman that he encountered last night. “There is no way that you could possibly be the woman I found in my office last night.”

“Oh but I am,
chéri.” She replied with a smirk. “Now if you’d like to test just how good you think your men are I’d be more than happy to oblige.”

“You may be good siren but I seriously doubt that you can take on several of my men nobody is that good.” Dmitry said sarcastically.

“Well then call me nobody chéri because I am definitely that good.” Nicolette replied smugly.

Olga let her gaze travel between the Dmitry and Nicolette before glancing over at Yuri with a bright smile
. She had hoped by bring the two of them together that they would form an attraction, and she was not disappointed. The sparks that were flying between the two of them were practically lethal not to mention extremely high voltage and almost explosive.

“Oh really is that a challenge, siren?” Dmitry asked as he narrowed his gaze at her.

“Yes, chéri it most certainly is.” She answered with teasing smile.

“Fine, you name the time and the place.” Dmitry replied in an irritated tone.

“Okay, this conference room seems big enough so how about here and now, unless your men need some time to prepare? Not that it would do any good but if you think they need the time that’s fine.” Nicolette said with a smirk.

Dmitry glared at her for a brief moment before leaning forward to press the call button on the intercom system. “
Send in my head of security and four members of his team.” He said in a commanding tone.

Nicolette watched as five men of varies sizes marched into the room one by one.
She silently sized up each man observing what she knew were their weak points. She’d encountered at least four of five men last night on her mocked intrusion of the company and the estate. The one thing she noticed about all of them was their false sense of confidence.

Although they appeared to be physically sound the look in the eyes showed fear and uncertainty. A couple of the men
had bruises on their face undoubtedly from their encounter with her. Not to mention that they were visibly trembling as they stood before them. However it was the man with deep frowns in his forehead that spoke, she’d seen his file and knew that he was head of security.

As a matter of fact she had a file on every man that was on the security team because she’d ran background checks on each of them at the request of Olga and Yuri.

“Good morning, we’re here as you requested sir.” The man said nervously.

“Don’t you think I see that, now the reason you five are here is because your competence as a security team has come into question.” Dmitry said.

“Sir I assure you that we are quite capable of handling your security both here and at the Romanov estate.” The man said with a false sense of confidence.

“If that was true Alek there wouldn’t have been a security breech last night
at both here and the estate.” Nicolette said politely.

“That breech was more than likely an inside job and will be dealt with when we find the guilty party, Miss I’m sorry I didn’t catch your name.” Alek said rudely.

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