The Awakening (38 page)

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Authors: Sarah Brocious

BOOK: The Awakening
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              He snuck a glance at her, and found her eyes on him. He liked the way her cheeks flushed, and she looked quickly away. There was no guile in her. She didn't hide anything. She was drawn to him. Not just in the physical sense...she wanted to be around...wanted to protect him....this never failed to make him chuckle.

              The fact that this girl wanted him....floored him. He just didn't know the rules to this...the possibilities. What kind of life would this be for her? And how could he only have her to lose her? He was torn between letting her go, and allowing her a normal life...and losing her, only to be engulfed in loneliness again.

              That’s what he had been, before her. What he would give to have a normal, uncluttered, uncomplicated mortal life! He had never wanted to be mortal more than now.

              Shouldn't that desire feel wrong? His life should have ended long ago...he shouldn't have been given the chance to experience this now! He was at war within himself.

              Raina sat quietly beside him. She too was entertaining worries inside. Her heart rate accelerated, seeing the worry on his face.  "Why does he want to meet me again?"

              Nolan cleared his throat, and tried to shake his heavy mood. He knew he was scaring her with his silence, his brooding.  "He'll let you know."

              He slowed the car, as they reached their destination. He pulled into the driveway carefully.

              "What if Elenora or Thanatos find out?" she whispered, as they drove under a canopy of palms. "What if they come after us?"

              "I would know if they were near. I would get you out in time. Remember, my strength over you is enhanced."

              "It’s like I was bestowed to you," she whispered.

              Her words troubled, and pleased him. He gave a slight nod. "Hmm, very true." His heart tugged at the thought.

              "David bestowed me to you."

              His eyes darkened at the mention of David’s name.

              “I'm glad it was you he chose."

              Nolan’s hands clenched the wheel. "Chose?"

              She nodded. "To watch over me. me."

              He nearly halted the car, as he turned to her. Why was she saying this now? "He never asked me to love..."

              "He knew, I think." she interrupted him.

              Nolan’s gaze held her now, as he parked before the massive home. "I'm confused, Aelan."

              She regarded him closely. "Yeh, he knew," she whispered.

              Nolan wanted to throttle the answer out of her. "Knew what?"

              She lifted her shoulder, and shook her head, as if it should be obvious. "That I would fall in love with you."

              He barely had a second to react. A servant was coming to open the door for each of them. His silver eyes held hers. " can't mean..."

              She got out, as the door was open for her, but left him with a small smile.

              He rounded the car to her and without a second thought, took her hand in his, and started for the stair. He wasn't sure how he should be reacting to her words, so he took charge.

              Raina followed. Why did he have to look so darn handsome with that little scowl? She knew she had shocked him greatly...she hadn't been able to help it!

              Nolan squeezed her hand, lacing his fingers through hers possessively.

              They entered by way of another servant pulling wide the doors.

              "Mr. Rivers awaits you in the sun room." The immaculate servant gave a slight bow, and then started away, indicating they should follow.

              She squeezed his hand and let her eyes glide about Joseph's home. It was extravagant, clean...enormous.

              "I prefer more compact," he whispered, seeing her trying to take it all in.

              She giggled, thinking of his simple apartment with the giant furniture. "You couldn't afford this anyway," she teased.

              "Oh couldn't I?"

              Her eyes snapped to his face in shock. "You're kidding."

              "Bet me."

              She shook her head.

              "I also prefer a lower profile than Joseph does."

              She looked at him with mouth open.

              He lifted his brow, and smiled handsomely. "Have I shocked you madam?"

              She nodded dumbly.

              "Does it change anything?"

              Raina shook her head, and bit her lip. "Well, kind of! Just takes you further out of my league," she pouted.

              He squeezed her fingers, and chuckled.

              They walked down a hall, and toward a set of wide glass doors, leading to a large glass room of sorts, windows on every side. It was bright, and botanical, and it took Raina’s breath for a moment. She didn't know so many different flowers could exist in one space. They lined the walls, hung from the ceiling, vined down the walls. And the scent? Jasmine...honeysuckle hung heavy in the air. She was too enthralled with the room to notice the man.

              "Hello friend," a deep voice resounded.

              She jumped when Nolan released his hold on her, and was taken back at the tall owner of the voice. It was a beautiful baritone...deep and rich. He stood taller than even Nolan, with warm...yes luminous brown eyes. It was a kind face, with only a touch of age, and winter white hair. He wasn't particularly handsome, but attractive none the less.

              He grasped Nolan at the shoulders and pulled him into a hug.

              Nolan embraced the man with the passion of a son greeting his father.

              She stepped back in surprise. She had not expected that response.

              "You look much the same," the booming man teased.             

              Nolan chuckled. "As do you!"

              Joseph Rivers pounded Nolan’s back, and then paused as his eyes beheld Raina.

              Raina didn't know whether to rush the man, or run. She was a bit overwhelmed.

              "And what have we here? My, my Nolan...what a pretty girl." His eyes lit. "What an even prettier aura she has." He held out his hand. "Welcome to my home my dear."

              Raina couldn't help her answering smile. She accepted the hand he held out. The man lifted it to his lips.

              "Joseph, this is my...this is my Raina."

              Raina’s heart jolted at the "my".

              "Raina, Joseph."

              "I'm pleased to meet you sir," she said breathlessly. She was a little overtaken by his close study of her. It also made her tremble knowing at these hands, immortality was granted. She felt him squeeze her hand, as though he sensed her feelings.

              "Not as pleased as I am Raina...Queen of peace," he said gently.

              Raina’s eyes lit. "Yes," she laughed.

              "Hmm, a name suited well for you." He tugged her, not letting go of her hand, and led her to the breakfast table.

              A sumptuous fair of fruit was already laid out. The table was set with the finest, and Raina felt like she should have dressed better.

              Nolan grinned, and followed, sitting down beside her. Yes, Joseph was taken by her already. Why had he feared he wouldn't see Raina the way he did?

              They were served coffee right away, and told to take from the fruit before them. Also, whatever they chose they may have, at the hands of the servants that waited on them.

              Joseph watched Raina closely, as her eyes had failed to stop their wandering.

              "Do you like it? The room?"

              "I love it," she said without hesitation. "I've seen little of your place, but I can assure you this will be my favorite."

              Nolan chuckled. "For more reasons then you know."

              She turned to him...and if her stomach didn't somersault. Why did he always do that to her? How many hundreds of times had she looked at him? Would it ever change?

              "It’s not likely too," Joseph whispered to her, and Raina jumped.

              "What?" she squeaked.

              "Change," he chuckled.

              Raina shook her head.

              Joseph smiled and nodded.


              He nodded again. "Not every thought.....just fervent ones."

              She blushed.

              "I will not embarrass you Raina, I promise."

              She relaxed, and cleared her throat, again turning to Nolan, and controlling her emotions this time. "And why will I like it for more than the obvious?"

              Nolan’s silver eyes moved from Joseph to Raina. He was interested in knowing about that little exchange, but he wouldn't push. "You are so taken by what’s in this room...have you looked outside it?"

              Raina looked at him like he was crazy but took a moment to study the windows. They were very thick as windows went, and she found that odd. They were brilliantly clean, so that the greens from the plants outside could show through.

              Joseph dismissed the servants, seeing now that breakfast would have to wait.

              Nolan looked to Joseph, and smiled.

              "Go on up to the glass Raina," Joseph prodded. "Have a look." He was smiling from ear to ear.

              Raina nodded, and Nolan was quick to jump up to pull her chair out. She cocked her head at him, and then did as Joseph had insisted, and went to have a look.

              Nolan stood, watching her, unable to take his eyes from her. His stomach tumbled, awaiting her reaction. He really wanted her to be pleased.

              Raina leaned near the glass, and let her eyes admire the foliage in the outer yard. She was surprised how big the yard was. A large pond graced the middle of it. There were walls built up around the yard, vines also grew from these. It was quite beautiful, but she didn't see how it pleased her more...until she saw how.

              She gasped in a breath, and then waived her hand summoning Nolan. "Nolan," she cried. "Nolan there...there...there’s an alligator!! Come see," she gushed.

              Nolan shared a look with Joseph, and then came up beside her. His hand rested at the small of her back. "You are pleased?"

              Her eyes were wide, as she looked to him. "Alligators,” she corrected herself. “There’s more than one!"

              Nolan felt her hand shaking, as she grasped his fingers, and pulled him closer. She was now nearly in the circle of his arms. She seemed distracted by this for a moment, her shoulder against his chest. "Seems you and Joseph have a great similarity. Only...he has the means to have his favorite animal as a pet."

              She clutched to his hand, as she watched the actions of the scaly beings. "Aren’t they spectacular?"

              He rubbed his thumb across her knuckles. "Pretty amazing huh?"

              She smiled. "I don't think I ever want to leave."

              Joseph laughed out loud. "If I thought my granddaughter could bare you, I might be tempted to keep you!" He got up and joined them. "She can't stand my pets...I like your appreciation."

              Raina gave him a millisecond of her attention to offer a smile, immediately she returned to the view. "I am jealous!"

              Nolan lifted his hand from her waist, and tugged at a strand of her hair. "Worth the whole trip for this."

              Joseph noted the action and lifted his brows to Nolan.

              Nolan cleared his throat, and stepped away from her, freeing her hand.

              "Yes," she gushed, pressing her forehead to the glass. She couldn't quite believe what she was seeing. Who lived like this?

              "Crazy eccentric immortals like me," Joseph answered.             

              Raina peaked up at him. "I'm sorry."

              He smiled back. "Don't be. I like your honesty."

              Nolan frowned again, hating that he was loss on the conversation.

              "We've made Nolan jealous," Joseph chuckled. "No worries." He clapped a hand on Nolan’s broad shoulder. "The girl is utterly yours...old coot like me doesn't stand a chance."

              Raina felt her cheeks warm, but didn't stray from the sight before her. She couldn't trust herself to not allow Joseph into her thoughts. He said he felt fervent thoughts? Well, all her thoughts about Nolan were such.

              "I am stealing Nolan for a minute...just back over to the table. He and I need to talk. You enjoy my alligators." Joseph touched her shoulder gently, and then motioned with his head to Nolan.

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