from her father's perspective: "You especially need to rest and relax now that you have two young children. Please learn from my mistakes, and don't work yourself into the ground to an early grave. I love you and want you to use what I gave you to better take care of yourself." Barbara then continued the fantasy, promising to do specific things to enable her to relax, including forgiving herself and her father for their destructive habits (like 'eating corned beef on rye'). Working together, they then ended the story with the proclamation "We relax and have a good time!"
In describing the experience, Barbara said, "I felt very supported by my husband in working on this dream fantasy, and it enabled us both to share some feelings that were affecting our current life in important ways. It was also useful when I shared it as a guided fantasy with some friends while on a retreat shortly thereafter. They said it was a fascinating experience for them and helped them get in touch with similar issues in their own lives. It was interesting to hear their reactions and fantasies, which deepened my own understanding of the dream, and to see how the exercise could bring us all closer together."
In choosing dreams to use as guided fantasies, pick those that are understandable, or adjust them to be vivid and easy to follow. For example, include cues to involve your listeners' senses, but keep these details of sounds and smells open enough to allow for individual associations. To keep the fantasy flowing, make transitions smoother and more logical between scenes than they might be in the original dream. Like a good novel or movie, edit out elements that might distract from the main theme or story line. If the ending of the dream is upsetting or conflicted, make it more neutral or give the listeners time to create their own ending. Whatever you do, trust the creative process. By reawakening your imagination and that of your