The Road to Berlin (142 page)

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Authors: John Erickson

Tags: #History, #Europe, #Former Soviet Republics, #Military, #World War II

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/General der Osttruppen.
Anti-Wlassow Propaganda No. 8
. (Collection of Soviet anti-Vlasov leaflets/materials, originals and translations; also interrogation of Kapustin,
Soviet plans to liquidate Vlasov.)
T-78/R491, 6477761–889.
9 (9th Army). Anlage zu KTB Nr 8: von Kluge letter to Army Chief of Staff, collaboration with Vlasov and ‘Plan für die Einsetzung eines National-Komitees im Bereich der Heeresgruppe Mitte’. T-312/R320, 7888682–710.
Nachrichten über Bandenkrieg Nr 7. Geschichte des Polk “Grischin” (1941–3). T-78/R491, 6478224–235.
(IIa): Nr 668/43. Subject:
(transfer of Soviet forces in Far East to European theatre, Soviet order of battle/Far East): 1.4.43. T-78/R486, 6470809–842. (Note: for Soviet data on transfer from FE to Soviet-German Front, see
, 1979 (8), pp. 73–7, tabulation p. 74.)
Die Behandlung des russischen Problems während der Zeit des ns. Regimes in Deutschland
. See Teil B. ‘Die Aktion des Generals Wlassow’. (Manuscript/report on Vlasov: personal holding.)

Soviet materials (partisan movement)

Beluga, Z.I.
et al., Prestupleniya nemetsko-fashistskikh okkupantov v Belorussii 1941–1944
(Minsk: Belarus 1965). German atrocities, Belorussia.
Bychkov, L.N.,
Partizanskoe dvizhenie v gody VOV
(Moscow: Mysl 1965). See ch. 3, partisan movement 1943.
Kalinin, Col. P., ‘Uchastie sovetskikh voinov v partizanskom dvizhenii Belorussii’,
, 1962 (10), pp. 34–7, on Gil-Radionov.
Kasatkin, M.A.,
V tyly nemetsko-fashistskikh armii ‘Tsentr’
(Moscow: Mysl 1980). Partisan movement in AGp Centre area.
Katskevich, A.F. and Kryuchok, R.R.,
Stanovlenie partizanskovo dvizheniya v Belorussii i druzhba narodov SSSR
(Minsk: Nauka i Tekhnika 1980). Belorussian partisans, co-operation with other movements.
Rudenko, N.N.,
Slovo pravdy v bor’be s fashizmom
(Kiev: Naukova Dumka 1980). Detailed monograph/dissertation on Soviet propaganda aimed at German troops (offset print, 800 copies only).
Smirnova, V.A. (ed.),
Partizany Bryanshchiny
(Tula: Priok. Kn. Izd., 2nd edn. 1970), Bryansk partisans, reports (docs. nos. 147–74, January–March 1943), pp. 270–324.
Wolff, Willy,
Na storone Krasnoi Armii
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1976). Soviet translation of
An der Seite der Roten Armee
(Berlin: Militärverlag) “Freies Deutschland”.
Zalesski, A.I.,
V partizanskikh krayakh i zonakh
(Moscow: Sotsekgiz 1962). Partisan movement, considerable use of Party archives.

East European materials on Polish military/USSR

Bibliografia wojny wyzwolenczej narodu polskiego 1939–1945
, (Warsaw: MON 1973). On Polish military units in USSR, entries nos 4854–958 (pp. 429–37).
Poplawski, General Stanislaw,
Towarzysze frontowych dróg
, (Warsaw: MON 1965). Ch. 4, ‘Kosciuszkowcy’, Polish units in USSR, pp. 59–68. (See also
Tovarishchi v bor’be
, Moscow: Voenizdat (VM) 1963).
Przygonski, A., Z
zagadnien strategii frontu narodowego PPR 1942–1945
(Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza 1976), pp. 116–28, Polish political organization, Polish military units in USSR.
Rawski, T., Stapor, Z., Zamojski, J.,
Wojna wyzwoleńcza narodu polskiego w latach 1939–1945
(Warsaw: MON 1966), pt 4, pp. 403–16, organization of Polish forces in USSR.
zagadnień rozwoju Ludowego Wojska Polskiego
(Warsaw: MON 1964). On formation of Polish Kosciuszko Division (1943), details of organization and equipment, pp. 160–222.

Kursk: the first phase 5–11/12 July pp.


Jukes, Geoffrey,
Kursk: the Clash of Armour
, ‘The German offensive’, pp. 80–103.
Klink, E.,
Das Gesetz des Handelns ‘Zitadelle’
, pp. 339–47, German intelligence appreciations of Soviet order of battle.
Manstein, Erich von,
Lost Victories
, ch. 14, ‘Citadel’, pp. 443–8.
Read, Anthony and Fisher, David,
Operation Lucy
, pp. 162–4, for Lucy’s signals to Moscow on
, Soviet queries to Lucy and Werther on German operational intentions, forces, direction of main thrust.
Seaton, Albert,
The Russo–German War
, pp. 354–65, on German preparations, Soviet strength, opening phase.

German documentation

KTB/OKW 1940–1945
, III/2, Lagebericht WFSt … 5 July 1943, ‘Am 5.7 früh hat bei der Armeeabt. Kempf, der 4 Pz—und der 9 Armee das Unternehmen “Zitadelle” planmässig begonnen’—to entry 12 July, pp. 748–72.
(I): Tabulation of Soviet strength, 11.7.1943 (3 pp.).

Soviet materials

Wartime press

. See vol. 5 (Moscow, 1944), July–December 1943: under
Operativnaya svodka
, 7–10 July, pp. 1–24.
. Nos. 600–609, 1–12 July 1943: Kursk. 8 July, ‘The truth about the German offensive’; 10 July, ‘Men against “Tigers” ’.

Official histories

, 3, pp. 258–72, Kursk, ‘Oboronitel’noe srazhenie’, defensive phase, Soviet artillery
, Central Front engaged 0530 hrs 5 July, assault on Ponyr, destruction of Rukosuev’s 3rd Anti-tank Brigade (p. 263), heavy losses to German Ninth Army, German offensive halted; on southern face Vatutin covering Oboyan axis, 6th Guards Army heavily engaged,
1st Guards Tank dug in (p. 269) as fixed defensive barrier
, German advance on Prokhorovka.
, 7, pp. 144–54, defensive phase of Kursk operations, confirmation of timing of German offensive (0300 hours, 5 July) from prisoners, organization of
, attacks on 13th Army and flanks 48th and 70th Army, general offensive against Voronezh Front developed 5 July, pressure on Chistyakov’s 6th Guards Army, Vatutin redeploys 1st Guards Tank Army,
moves up 5th Guards Tank Army, German pressure on Prokhorovka.

Military-operational analysis/personal accounts

Antipenko, Lt.-Gen. N.A.,
Na glavnom napravlenii
(Moscow: Nauka, 2nd edn 1971), pp. 91–108. See ‘Na Kurskoi duge’, logistics in Kursk battle, operation and security of rail supply, little-known role of air transport/supply (flew out 21,000 wounded), ammunition expenditure/resupply.
Babadzhanyan, Marshal (Tank Troops) A.Kh., Popel, Lt.-Gen. N.K.
et al., Lyuki otkryli v Berline. Boevoi put 1-i gvardeiskoi tankovoi armii
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1973), pp. 7–54, organization, strength, deployment 1st Guards Tank Army, Kursk, defensive operations. Detailed narrative.
Babadzhanyan, A.Kh., ‘1-ya tankovaya armiya v oboronitel’nom srazhenii’,
, 1973 (7), pp. 41–50. Compact but detailed account/analysis of 1st Tank Army, Voronezh Front, defensive operations.
Biryukov, Maj.-Gen. (Artillery) G., ‘Artilleriya v oborone 13-i armii’,
, 1973 (8), pp. 41–8. Detailed study of artillery in 13th Army (Central Front) defensive operations.
Collective authorship,
16-ya vozdushnaya
, pp. 90–106, air support for Red Army operations, defensive phase, Kursk.
Danishevskii, I.M. (ed.),
Proval operatsii ‘Tsitadel’
(Moscow: Politizdat, 2nd edn 1967). See, in this collection, M. Enshin (commander of 307th RD), ‘Trista sed’maya-v boyakh za Ponyri’, pp. 50–70; S. Rudenko and P. Braiko (commander and chief of staff 16th Air Army respectively), ‘Tak zavoevyvalos gospodstvo v vozdukhe’, pp. 85–95 (air operations); G. Rodin (commander Urals Volunteer Tank Corps), ‘Ural’skii dobrovol’cheskii … ’, pp. 120–33.
Getman, A.L.,
Tanki idut na Berlin
, ch. 3, ‘Na Oboyan’skom napravlenii’, pp. 84–108, operations 6th Tank Corps (with 1st Guards Tank Army and 69th Army) as Voronezh Front second echelon, moved from Oboyan, heavy losses after five days, only 50 tanks left 10 July and three batteries of anti-tank guns, reinforcements equally weakened.
Ivanov, Army General S., ‘Oboronitel’naya operatsiya Voronezhskovo fronta’,
, 1973 (8), pp. 11–22. Important, highly detailed, archivally based study by General Ivanov on Voronezh Front defensive operations; also excellent portrayal of General Vatutin, Front commander.
Katukov, M.E.,
Na ostrie glavnovo udara
(2nd edn), pp. 202–36, Katukov in command 1st Guards Tank Army, deployment at Kursk, intensity of defensive fighting, losses to tank army.
Kazakov, Artillery Marshal K.P.,
Vsegda s pekhotoi, vsegda s tankami
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1969) (Soviet artillery in the GPW), pp. 129–62, Soviet artillery at Kursk, strength, deployment, densities, Central and Voronezh Fronts: in defensive phase 2,424,600 artillery rounds and mines expended, 1,132,800 anti-tank rifle rounds, 1,861 German tanks and
guns destroyed or disabled (800 on Central front, 1,049 Voronezh Front) (see also diagram Central Front anti-tank deployment, pp. 136–7).
Koltunov, G.A., and Solov’ev, B.G.,
Kurskaya bitva
(Moscow, 1970). In this highly detailed, standard work see pp. 101–34, defensive operations, northern face of salient (artillery
, fighting in main defensive system, Central Front counter-blow, fighting at Ponyr and Olkhovatka, summary of results, defensive phase); pp. 135–66, defensive operations, southern face (artillery
, fighting in main defensive zone, operations 6 July, fighting in second defensive zone 7–9 July, operations on Prokhorovka axis).
Koltunov, G.A.,
Ognennaya duga
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1973), pp. 48–102, narrative of Soviet defensive operations, Central and Voronezh Fronts 5–11/12 July. Useful diagrams of Soviet deployment patterns, types of defensive systems.
Koniev, I.S.,
Zapiski komanduyushchevo frontom
pp. 9–17. Steppe MD (Steppe Front) in
reserve, Zhukov, Stalin instructions to Koniev,
directions (p. 10),
directive to Steppe Front 10 July (p. 11), Soviet artillery
, German penetration Soviet defences Voronezh Front, advance on Prokhorovka,
transfers 5th Guards Tank Army and 5th Guards Army to Voronezh Front, 27th Army deploys on Belgorod-Kursk axis.
Markin, Colonel I.I.,
Kurskaya bitva
(Moscow: Voenizdat 1958). Useful general account: defensive operations Belgorod-Kursk axis, pp. 50–102; also Orel-Kursk axis, pp. 103–29.
Moskalenko, K.S.,
Na Yugo-zapadnom napravlenii
, vol. 2, pp. 47–59.
warning order 2 July (German offensive 3–6 July), Vatutin’s command conference 4 July, preparation for artillery
, 40th Army intelligence summary 3 July (pp. 49–50), German offensive against Soviet 6th Guards Army, Vasilevskii-Vatutin decision to block German advance on Prokhorovka and Oboyan, deployment of strategic reserves.

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