Arrival of the Prophecy (16 page)

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Authors: Robin Renee Ray

BOOK: Arrival of the Prophecy
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After the men picked him up, Sky smoothed her father’s
hair back and kissed his forehead, asking forgiveness
as if he could hear her,
watched as they took him

Once Sky and Anthony had changed into more suitable clothing, jeans
and t-shirts, they made their way into what
had called the lower levels of the estate. When she said ‘lower level’, she
meant it. The curved stone stairs went on for what seemed like forever, lit by
oil burning sconces on the wall every few feet. When Sky looked up to see how
far they had come down, the stairs seemed to disappear into a twisting
nightmare of darkness, straight out of a horror movie. The thing she observed was
how the sconces went out shortly after they passed, making her take notice to
how they came to life a few seconds before they came around the curve in the
stone walls.

“Are these set on some kind of timer?” she asked holding on to the
back of Anthony’s shirt in a death grip.

“My great, great, grandfather built this, and to this day it remains
a mystery to most of us. Some say it’s in the stones we step on, and others say
it’s caused by the change in the wind current as we’re walking down.”

“Just how far down are we going to go?” she asked looking over the
black edges of the abyss to her right.

“Four hundred and fifty feet.
It was once a cavern and used by my people before the time of man. It’s
the main reason the estate was built here,” he explained, as they reached the

Anthony pulled the rope by a heavy iron door and the two waited
until one of the guards opened it. Sky’s mouth dropped open the moment she
stepped into the room. It was a huge cave, much like the ones visited by tourists;
only this one had barred cages on one side, and dark open tunnels on the other.
The ceiling was high and sparkled with the light of the torches that lined the
walls. There was a round table made of stone that sat in the middle. Seven men
stood at attention by the cages that held the two
that were now drugged, and back into human form, both moaning and gripping
their stomachs.

“Have they spoken?” Anthony asked the one that opened the door.

“This one,” Mike replied. “He’s keeps saying we will pay. We think
he may be

“And why would you think this?”

“He claims his mother will come, even if his brother does not.”

“If that’s the case, then we can trade them,” Sky said with

“I’m afraid it doesn’t work like that. They would let him die first,
then try and take revenge for his death. But, they have no idea at this point
that we have them, at least not until they’re supposed to report,” Anthony
replied, sadness saturating his voice.

“Then what are we going to do?” she asked, pleading with her eyes.

“Take him out and place him on the table,” Anthony ordered.

Three guards stood in front of the cage, while one opened the door. The
man began growling in a high pitch tone, scooting back as far as he could in
the corner of the jagged carved room. He reached out several times, clawing at
the approaching men, snapping his teeth, and kicking out the closer they came. His
nude body was covered in scrapes, not from the mistreatment from Anthony’s men,
but from trashing about on the hard stone floor, fighting the drug that held
back the change. The four men swarmed him in one swift movement, as he began to
scream out as if they were killing him. All the while he was yelling the words,
“She will come,” over and over, to the point that Sky covered her ears. The
other prisoner slammed his body into the bars several times before dropping to
the floor, yelling the very same thing as he reached through the bars, as if he
could reach his companion.

One of the guards took a gun from the wall and pointed it at the man
in the cage, then turned to look at his king. Anthony nodded once, and the man
fired the dart into the
lower back, causing
him to scream out in that same horrible high pitched squeal, as he flipped and
rolled on the floor trying to get the needle to dislodge. He soon became
silent, panting, with drool and blood seeping from his mouth. The man lay back
and watched as the four men strapped his companion down with heavy chains to
the large round stone table. The man was unable to lift his own hand from the
cell floor.

Anthony took Sky across the room by one of the tunnels, then slowly
walked back, looking down at the man as he walked around the round table. “Why
were you left on my land, boar?” he asked getting nothing in return, but spit
that missed him by mere inches. “Not a wise move. Bring me the irons.” Sky
watched in horror as one of the men pulled a long, thin, black rod from the
fire that was burning brightly in the far corner and handed it to Anthony. He
showed it to the man on the table, moving it down his body then laying the red
hot tip, right next to the man’s privates. The man screamed out in agony as his
flesh blackened under the touch,
Anthony pulled

“I will ask you one more time, then I will remove the ability for
you to have children…do I make myself clear?”


Anthony shot Sky a look that made her close her mouth, and her sit
back in the chair. He leaned down close to the man’s face and whispered, “What
would your mother think of a son that becomes a woman?” The man’s eyes became
wide, because he knew that Anthony would remove his manhood, if he didn’t give
him what he wanted. But he also knew that his people would kill him just them
same for giving out information.

“If I talk they’ll kill me,” the man finally said.

“And if you don’t I’ll give you back to them a mangled man, telling
them that you did. Which will it be?” Anthony asked, lowering the not so red
poker back down by his privates.

“Okay,” he yelled, trying to twist his head to see if the other
was still watching.

“You need not worry about him. We know he’s your guard, and nothing
that your leaders care about,” Anthony added, touching the tip of the poker to
the tip of the man’s penis.

“Anthony this is barbaric,” Sky cried out, as the man screamed.

Anthony stopped and quickly walked toward Sky, causing her to stand
up and go behind the chair. He reached out, grabbed her arm and stuck the tip
of the poker to it. She screamed, then looked down and smiled. He winked and
grabbed the tip with his hand, showing her it was indeed cool to the touch,
then put his finger to his lip, letting her know it was a secret best kept
between them and the werewolves in the room. She blushed, putting her hand over
her mouth to keep from laughing out, then returned to her seat.

“And never interrupt me again, or I will have you on my table,
woman,” Anthony said as he walked back to the man in question, causing Sky to
cough and hold in a laugh that she almost couldn’t control.

“I’ll talk,” the man claimed seeing how Anthony treated his own queen.

“Very good.
place this back in the fire, because if he is lying I will have this little
thing he calls a dick, hanging on my front door for the world to see.” Then he
winked over at Sky a second time. “Now, why were you left on my land?”

brother wanted us to get as close to your home as we could, and try…” he paused
looking over in the direction of Sky
“Try what?” Anthony asked, grabbing a handful of the man’s hair
“To kill her,” the man rolled his head to look at Sky, “to weaken you. It was
to be my way of climbing up and please my family.”

“You were going to kill my bride, just so you would look good in
front of your people?” Anthony’s anger was growing.

“I was ordered to do it by my brother. He had a deal with your
brother to get half the land at your death.”

“Where are they keeping the females?”

“Close to the river, at Twin Springs. They mean to change the young
one into one of us,
sacrifice the older one when
the moon is high on the third night.”

“So, he lied already,” Anthony replied, looking over at Sky. “Lock
him back up, and ready the men. We go to Twin Springs tonight.”

“The girl,” the man said.

“What about the girl?” Sky replied, getting to her feet.

“She’s the one who said you would come for her. She is not as
innocent as she looks, screaming for her freedom.”

“You best speak your mind, because I am tired of this game,” Anthony
said, leaning down into the man’s face showing his elongated teeth.

“It’s true. She has been dating
weeks now. She knows what we are and what your queen has become. She holds her
own mother as a prisoner…I swear it! She had two
hiding in her parent’s house to attack and bring her mother to the camp. They
were supposed to be having a meeting to speak of your queen.”

“That bitch. I should have known,” Sky said as she started pacing by
the table. He’s telling the truth Anthony, you heard my dad.”

“Yes, he speaks the truth.”

“Bonny’s really in harm’s way, isn’t she? And Tiffany knows it.” Sky
grabbed her mouth with tears threatening to fall.

“I swear it!” the man
as they
locked the door to his cell. Sky stormed back up the curved staircase without a
word passing between her and Anthony. Her blood was boiling to the point that
she could have changed at any moment and would have if Anthony hadn’t kept a
hand on her back. Sky knew that Tiffany hated her, but never once thought she
would turn against her own mother to try and hurt her. She knew now that she
would be helping rescue the woman that her father loved, but killing the one
that they all thought was going to pay the price for Anthony’s brother’s breach
of contract, no matter what that might have been in reality. Sky went in to
check on her father, while Anthony went over the plans to take Twin Springs and
try and free Sky’s stepmother, with every intention of leaving the stepsister
to the fate of the

Tiffany obviously knew little of the ways of her new friends. No
human woman would freely give themselves to such a filthy group of creatures. Where
the women did the hard work, and were shared among the men of the clan if you
did not hold the role of matriarch.

something was wrong the moment Sky emerged from the secret door in the study,
with Anthony close behind. While Sky, paced the room slamming her fist into her
palm a few times, Antony filled his grandmother in. In return she told him he
needed to calm Sky’s inner beast, or she would change with the same temperament
and harm those around her without even realizing it.

“Do what you must.”
gave him a
stern look.

Sky flopped down in the chair behind the desk, cursing under her
breath, never paying any mind to the conversation between the two of them.
stood and touched Anthony’s shoulder then walked
out, closing the door behind her. Anthony walked over and locked it.

“I’m so pissed I can’t see straight,” Sky said, slamming her fist
down on the table.

Anthony simply walked over and closed the drapes on the double doors
that led out onto the balcony, then turned around and started unbuttoning his
shirt. Sky was still complaining when he tossed his shirt over the desk and
onto her head, covering her face and making her speechless until she could pull
it off.

“What?” was all that she was able to
She watched intently, as he began undoing the top snap on his jeans. Her heart started
beating to a tune other than anger, and a fine layer of sweat coated her upper
lip as the heat rose from the depths between her legs, right up to the base of
her neck.

“I want you right here, right now,” he said as he pushed the desk
several feet back with one hand, while the other lowered the zipper on his

Sky reached up, sliding her fingers into the opening of his pants
and pulled herself up, tip-toeing to kiss him as her hand moved further in. Anthony
moaned into her mouth as she found his warm flesh. He lifted her, holding her
to his body with one hand, and knocking the desk clean with the other. Sky
wrapped her legs around his waist the moment her butt touched the wooden
surface. Anthony started working on her shirt, biting passionately at her neck
until his lips moved over the sweet mounds of her breasts. He pulled back and
tried getting her jeans undone, becoming irritated, so reached around her and
ripped them open from the back. Sky screamed out laughing as she laid back on
the desk, letting him pull the opposing material from her body, then sat back
up and started pushing his pants down as his hand worked her flesh.

“I love you, Anthony,” she hissed in his ear, and then bit down on
his neck so hard she tasted blood.

“My Queen,” he replied, as he entered her so harshly that she
dragged her nails down the tender flesh of his back.

Anthony lifted her off of the desk, spinning around and knocking her
into the bookshelf, removing several volumes to the floor. Anthony slowed in
his actions, looking her deep in the eye, then lowered his head and bit down
right above her breast, shoving himself into her rapidly the second he tasted
the sweet fluid flowing into his mouth. Sky yelled out throwing her head back,
grabbing at the air as the explosion riddled her from the very core of her
being, and the two once again lit the room up in a beautiful, but deadly
display of electricity. Anthony’s body flew back and over the desk, as Sky’s
was pressed more firmly to the bookshelf, causing it to shake so violently that
all but a handful of books remained as she fell to the floor.

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