Fundamentals of Midwifery: A Textbook for Students (166 page)

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135, 143
Care Quality Commission, 8, 14, 19, 121
career routes, 16
caring, midwives and, 7, 8
Caring for Your Baby at Night
guide, 181 carpal tunnel syndrome, definition of,
catecholamines, definition of, 162
Clinical Commissioning Groups CEMD.
Confidential Enquiry into
Maternal Deaths Central Midwives Board, 2, 19
Centre for Maternal and Child Enquiries definition of, 297
sepsis report, 174
Centres for Sexual Health, 277 cephalhaematoma, 195t
Comparative effectiveness research cerebral birth trauma, observing for signs of,
cervical carcinoma, bleeding and, 354 cervical dilatation, assessment of, during
labour, 149
cervical polyps, bleeding and, 354 cervix
definition of, 137
diagnosing dilatation of, 147–148
not effaced and effaced, 146, 147 147f postpartum state of, 169
Cystic fibrosis Changing childbirth, 122 chest compressions, 354b
basic life support and, 352 giving, 354b
child health, confidential enquiries into, 245–246
complex experience of, 74 definition of, 319
delayed, definition of, 107t optimal age for, 106
societal trends in timing of, 109 span of years for women, 102–103
childbearing women and their babies CAM use and, 307
obesity and negative health outcomes in, 250
screening tests for, 126 childbirth
fear of, 71
health promotion framework and, 244 human rights in, 134
medicalisation of, 54, 311 normality in
CAM and, 311
facilitating and maintaining, 143, 145 pain management methods available
during, 313
sexual relationships and impact of, 268 childbirth classes, 134
childhood abuse, PTSD in pregnant women with history of, 292
childhood infectious diseases, re-emergence of, 253
childhood sexual abuse, 257t childrearing, sociological view of marriage
and, 91 children
deaths of, in serious case reviews, 180 future, spacing and planning for, 267, 277 safeguarding from domestic abuse, 47
Children’s Centre organisations, 123
chin lift, basic resuscitation of newborn and, 192
China, postnatal confinement period in, 157 Chinese herbal medicine, 306t
Chinese religions, contraception and views of, 269t
Chinese women, Tso-Yueh-Tzu (doing-the- month) and, 111
chiropractic, 304t, 316
chlamydia infections, 104
chloramphenicol eye drops, topical route of administration, 330t
chorionic villus sampling, 126, 137
Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence
Christians, contraception and views of, 269t chromosomal abnormalities
maternal age and, 107, 173
relative risk of babies with, according to maternal age, 109t
chromosomal disorders, definition of, 137
chronic ill health, 239, 246
Congenital hypothyroidism cigarette smoking
pregnancy and, 254 toxins and, 254f
circle of safety, medicine errors and, 327 circumcision of male infants, 111
civil marriages, 93
civil partnerships, 94 class, definition of, 58
Consultant-led care
cleft palate, newborn, finger insertion to examine for, 195t, 196f
clexane, 368
climacteric, 103
clinical assessment, effective, 349b clinical audit, 245–246, 260
Clinical Commissioning Groups, 121 clinical practice, career routes in, 16 clinical systems of care, midwifery
programmes and, 12
cloning, reproductive, 95, 114
clothing guidance, advice for parents of newborns, 204b
clotting factors, postpartum state of, 169 CMACE.
Centre for Maternal and Child
Central Midwives Board CNHC.
Complementary and Natural
Healthcare Council co-amoxiclav, 333
cocaine, side effects with, 256 Cochrane Systematic Reviews, 155 codeine, 332, 334
coercive sexual intercourse, teenage pregnancy and, 103
cognitive approach, in psychology, 63 cohabiting couples, 44, 93
coils, contraceptive, 275 collaboration
definition of, 38
interprofessional work and, 29–30 collective empowerment facilitator, midwife
as, 244f, 245
collecting, 225, 226 Lactogenesis I and, 213
Apgar scoring and, 190
newborn respiration assessment and, 192 poor, respiratory distress in newborns and,
combined pill, 272
commissioning fathers, 101
commissioning mothers, 99
commissioning parents, 96, 100
commitment, 7, 11 communicable diseases
definition of, 251 HPA list of, 253
communication effective, 9, 28
emergencies in midwifery and, 347, 368 grief and loss and, 376–377, 377b, 384
maternity care and need for, 76 neonatal examination by midwife and,
non-verbal, 76, 78
one-to-one support in labour and, 152 serious care reviews and, 180
verbal, 76, 78
community-acquired group a streptococcal disease, 174
community midwives, 176, 177f, 178 co-morbid, definition of, 297
comparative effectiveness research, core questions in, 315
compassion, 7, 8
definition of, 10, 38
healthy psychological adaptation to motherhood and, 176–177
intrapartum period and, 143
one-to-one support in labour and, 152–153
Compassion in Practice report, 250 compensated shock, 347
competence, midwifery programme and demonstration of, 5–6b
competitive antagonists, 331–332 complementary and alternative medicines,
145, 302
administration of, midwives and, 315–316 definition of, 303–304, 316
field of, 304, 307
growth of interest in, 309–310 patient satisfaction and, 310–311 philosophy behind, 309 promoting normality, reducing
unnecessary intervention and, 312 reasons for knowing about, 307–308 regulation and, 316–317
safety and efficacy of, evidence for, 313–315
US Department of Health and Human Services categorisations of, 307, 308t
women, midwifery and, 311 Complementary and Natural Healthcare
Council, 315, 317
complementary medicine, definition of, 304 complementary therapy, definition of, 319 complementary therapy practitioners,
regulation and, 316
compression stockings, thromboembolism management and, 368
compressions, resuscitation and, 352 conception
across the lifespan, 102–109 adolescent parents, 103–106
older mothers, 106–107, 108f, 109 advanced maternal age and, 106 definition of, 114
new developments around, 95 older age, risks attendant with, 108f rates, 241
annual, 102f timing of, 102
concerns, raising and escalating, 13, 33–34 conditioning of behaviour, 63




definition of, 279
female, 270, 271f
male, 270, 271f conduction
definition of, 207
heat loss in newborn infants and, 198t
Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health report (2004), 281, 282
Confidential Enquiry into Maternal Deaths, 283, 284, 350
adolescent girls conceiving under age 16 and, 103
contraception discussions and, 267 social networking sites and, 9
conflict resolution, 31
definition of, 38
humility and, 27
confounding factors, 314
confucianism, contraception and views of, 269t
congenital abnormality, neonatal death and, 381
congenital anomalies, teenage mothers and, 104t
congenital hypothyroidism, neonatal screening for, 202
congruence, humanistic psychology and, 63
conjugated bilirubin, 200, 201f consanguinity, definition of, 91, 114 consent
definition of, 38
emergency situations and, 30 constipation, postpartum period and, 171 Consultant in Communicable Disease
Control, 251
consultant-led care, 123
Consumers’ Association, 309 contemplation, in stages of change model,
66t contraception
appropriate timing of advice about, 267–268
cultural aspects related to, 268 definition of, 279
further advice and treatment related to, 277
information related to effective advice about, 270b
mainstream religious attitudes to, 269t midwives offering advice and information
on, 266
providing individual advice about, 268–269
psychosexual issues and, 268 resumption of, methods and timing of,
what is meant by term, 266–267 contraception methods, 95, 277
barrier methods, 270–271
diaphragms/caps, 271, 272f
female condoms, 270, 271f male condoms, 270, 271f
emergency contraception, 276 hormonal
combined pill, 272, 273f contraceptive patch, 272–273, 273f contraceptive ring, 273–274, 274f
long-acting methods implant, 274
injection, 274, 275f
intrauterine device (IUD/coil), 274–275 intrauterine system (IUS), 275, 276f
natural methods
lactational amenorrhoea method, 275–276
rhythm method, 275 sterilisation
female, 277
male–vasectomy, 276 timing of parenthood and, 109
contraceptive injection, 274, 275f contraceptive patch, 272–273, 273f contraceptive ring, 273–274, 274f, 279 contraceptive strategies, timing conception
and, 102 contraindications
definition of, 343
knowing before administration of medicine, 325
control, 10, 70
controlled drugs, midwives exemption list and, 327
convection definition of, 207
heat loss in newborn infants and, 198t convulsions, eclampsia and, 361
care of, 199
clamping, 193
cutting, 157, 158
traction, controlled, 157
cortisol, 131
co-sleeping, potential problems with, 112 cot cards, death of baby and, 381b
cot death prevention information, for parents, 204b
Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence, 3, 14, 19
Council of Europe, 6 counselling stress therapy, 305t
Care Quality Commission craftsmanship
definition of, 162
midwifery, 155–156
cranio-sacral, definition of, 319 cremation, 380, 381
criminal record checks, 15 critical incident forms, 327
critically ill patient, ABCDE assessment of, 350b
cross cradle hold, for breastfeeding, 220, 221f
Cruse Bereavement Care, 383, 384b crystal energy, 307t
Caesarean sections CTG.
cultural diversity, family planning and contraceptive choices and, 268

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