Fundamentals of Midwifery: A Textbook for Students (169 page)

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HELLP syndrome, 129
HELPERR, shoulder dystocia and, 364–365 hemabate, 359
hepatic portal vein, 332 hepatitis B (hep B), 126, 127
definition of, 137
injecting drug use and risk of, 256 hepatitis C (hep C), 126
definition of, 137
injecting drug use and risk of, 256 herbal medicine, 304t, 306t, 308t heroin, 255–256
herpes simplex, 104
heterosexual commissioning parents, in surrogacy arrangement, 101f
heterosexuality, 50 hierarchy
definition of, 38
of evidence, 314, 314f
Higher Education Institutions, student support services in, 14
contraception and views of, 269t rituals and care following loss and, 379
hippocampus, 129
history, neonatal examination and, 204 HIV.
Human immunodeficiency virus ‘HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted
Infections in the United Kingdom’, 103
Healthy locus of control holistic
definition of, 319
health concept, 239
model of midwifery, 123–124 home births, 122, 145, 154
homeopathy, 304t, 308t honour killings, 50
hopelessness, depression and feelings of, 289
hormonal balance, optimal, labour progression and, 149–150
hormonal contraception combined pill, 272, 273f
contraceptive patch, 272–273, 273f contraceptive ring, 273–274, 274f definition of, 279
progesterone only pill, 272 hormones
definition of, 163 postpartum levels of, 169
Hospital Anxiety And Depression Scale, 284, 285, 297
hospital birth centres, 145
House of Commons Health Committee, 172
House of Lords Scientific And Technology Categorisation of CAM, 304t–307t
Human placental lactogen
human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), 126, 137
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Acts, 95
human flourishing, 27
human immunodeficiency virus, 126, 138 avoiding breastfeeding and, 229–230 injecting drug use and risk of, 256
human placental lactogen, 233 lactogenesis I and, 213 lactogenesis II and, 213
human rights, in childbirth, 134 humanistic approach, in psychology, 63 humility, 27, 38
hunger, 48
hydatidiform moles, pre-eclampsia and, 361
hydration, 210 hygiene
newborn care and, 197–198
one-to-one support in labour and, 153 hypercoagulable, definition of, 185 hyperemesis, 69, 84
hypertension, 359
chronic, older age conception and, 108f
mild, NICE definition of, 360 pre-eclampsia and, 361
hypertensive disorders
increased maternal age and, 173 in pregnancy, 360b
hypervolaemia, definition of, 185 hypnosis, 313
hypnotherapy, 145, 155, 305t, 308t hypoglycaemia
definition of, 207
in newborn, 196, 197f hypotension, definition of, 185
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, 131
hypothalamus, 129
hypothermia definition of, 207 in newborn, 197f
resuscitative measures and, 192 hypothyroidism, definition of, 207 hypovolaemia
definition of, 370
very early cord clamping and, 193 hypovolaemic shock, 347
hysterectomy, 360


ICCCOs, for handovers, 28
International Confederation of Midwives
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection ICT.
Information and communication
id, 63
ID bracelet, checking before administration of medicine, 324–325
idealism, socialisation and loss of, 8
ill health, poverty, employment and, 248f illegitimacy
definition of, 114
industrial revolution and high levels of, 93 illicit substances, pregnancy and use of,
immediate postnatal period, definition of, 171
immune system, newborn skin and, 198 immunisation, definition of, 138, 260 immunity
active, 261
passive, 253 implants
contraceptive, 274
definition of, 279
Independent midwives in-vitro fertilisation, 44, 54, 125
commercial surrogacy arrangements and, 100
gestational mothers and, 96 incidence, definition of, 297
indemnity insurance, independent midwives and, 121
independent midwives, national policy on care provision and, 121
India, postnatal confinement period in, 157 Indian mothers, teenage pregnancies and,
indirect causes, psychiatric causes of maternal morbidity, classed as, 283
industrial revolution, population explosion and, 93
inequalities in health, 246–247 infant deaths, 242t
infant feeding, 172.
see also
breastfeeding; lactation
choices for, 211, 231
formula feeding, 230, 231
supporting effective, 217–221 understanding social-cultural context of,
212, 246
Infant Feeding Survey, 211
infant-maternal relationship, attachment and, 78
infant mortality, 51
rates, 241
teenage mothers and, 104t infanticide, puerperal psychosis and, 293 infants, of obese mothers, 250 infections, 126
neonatal death and, 381 puerperal, 175
signs and symptoms of, 168 infectious disease
control of, 251, 253
definition of, 251
influenza virus H1N1 (swine flu), 253 information and communication
technologies, 14 informed consent
administration of medicine and, 325 blood spot test and, 202
neonatal examination by midwife and, 204
infusion pumps, 326 inhalation, definition of, 344 inhalation route, of medication
administration, 330t
inherited factors and disorders, 127–128 inhibin A, 126
injecting drug use, 256
injection, contraceptive, 274, 275f insecure attachment, 79, 80
instinctive midwifery, 152
instrumental births, 155, 157, 158 instrumental delivery
definition of, 163
depression during late pregnancy and, 289
insulin, lactogenesis II and, 214 integrity, definition of, 38 intelligence quotient, 7, 8, 19
Intention to Practise, 12, 19
International Confederation of Midwives, 19 Core Documents, 6
global standards, competencies, tools and guidelines, 6
on legally licensed midwives’ scope of professional practice, 250
midwife defined by, 2 scope of practice, 6
International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, surrogacy defined by, 99
Internet, CAM information via, 312 interpersonal skills and attributes, 7–8 interpreters, 173, 377
intracytoplasmic sperm injection, 125, 138 intramuscular, definition of, 344 intramuscular route, of medication
administration, 330t intrapartum midwifery care, 142–163
assisting normal physiological process, 154
birth partners and, 153
birth preparation for coping with labour, 145
care and compassion in, 152–153 decision-making in, 159, 160f medical intervention, 156 meeting the baby, 157
midwifery craftsmanship, 155–156 onset, process and progress of labour,
outside parameters of normality, 154 pain management in labour, 154–155 pathways of care during intrapartum
period, 144f perineal care, 158–159 place of birth, 145
third stage management, 157–158 intrapartum stillbirths, 13b intrauterine device, 274–275, 279 intrauterine growth restriction
definition of, 260
smoking and, 254
intrauterine growth retardation, pre- eclampsia and, 361
intrauterine insemination, 125, 138
intrauterine system, 275, 276f, 279 intravenous medication, right duration for,
intravenous route of administration bioavailability and, 332
dangers of, 329
intubation, airway secured with, 352 involution
definition of, 185
of uterus, 168
ionizing radiation, 253
Intelligence quotient iridology, 307t
iron deficiency anaemia, 128 irreversible shock, 347
ischemia, 168, 185
Islam, contraception and views of, 269t isoimmunisation, 127, 138
Intention to Practise IUD.
Intrauterine device
Intrauterine growth restriction IUI.
Intrauterine insemination
Intrauterine system IVF.
in vitro fertilisation


jaundice, 193, 199–200, 202
breastfeeding, 200, 202
breastmilk jaundice syndrome, 202 definition of, 207
neonatal bilirubin metabolism and, 201f in newborn, 172
physiological, 199–200
jaw thrust manoeuvre, 192, 194f, 352b Jewish faith, contraception and views of,
Judeo-Christian worldview, marriage and, 91


kernicterus, 200
kidneys, excretion of medications via, 331 kindness, 112
kinesiology, 307t




Kings Fund, The, 121 kinship
definition of, 114
parenting and, 110 sociological ideas about, 91
Kübler-Ross, E., grief stages identified by, 374


labetalol, 361 labour
active phase of, 147–149
artificial rupture of membranes, 154 assisting normal physiological process of,
birth preparation for coping with, 145 diagnosing onset of, 146
implications and response to pain of, 54–55
Internet information about use of CAM for, 312
latent phase of, 146–147
medical intervention and, 156, 156f mobilisation and positioning in, 149 monitoring maternal and fetal wellbeing
in, 151–152
normal, decision-making in, 160f onset, process and progress of,
optimal hormonal balance and, 149–150
pain management in, 154–155 positions for, 151f
power, passage and passenger in, 146 termination for fetal abnormality, 382 transitional and pushing phases or ‘second
stage’ in, 150–151
water used for relaxation in, 155, 155f labour pain, ‘catastrophising’, 71
labour-related asphyxia, neonatal death and, 381
lactation, 94
effective, neuroendocrine reflexes involved in, 216f
feedback inhibitor of, 216 physiology of, 213–215
Lactation Consultants of Great Britain website, 226
lactation history, taking, 228 lactational amenorrhoea method, 169,
275–276, 279
lactiferous ducts, 228
blocked, 229
definition of, 233
lactocytes, 213, 216 lactogenesis
definition of, 233
physiological delayed, 222–223 lactogenesis I, description of, 213 lactogenesis II, description of, 213–215 lactogenesis III, description of, 215 language barriers, death of baby and
minimising of, 377 laryngeal mask airway, 352 latching on, 225
latent phase of labour
cervix not effaced and cervix effaced, 146, 147 147f

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