Fundamentals of Midwifery: A Textbook for Students (173 page)

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pregnancy (
medicalised approach to, 123
mental health problems present during, 282
normal gestation period for, 125 outside marriage, 50
planned or unplanned, 125
as pre-eminent teachable moment, 244 prevention of, 266–267
reproductive technologies and upper age limits for, 103
second trimester of, 130f sick role and, 55
social, psychological and cultural aspects related to, 126
testing systems and early awareness of, 124
third trimester of, 130f
weight management in, sample clinical pathway for, 252f
pregnant women, increasing consumer demand for CAM by, 307
disability and, 53
LGBT community and, 50 premarital sex, 105
premature babies, collecting colostrum for, 225
premature birth, 189, 373 maternal obesity and, 250 neonatal death and, 381 physiological jaundice and, 199 smoking and, 254
premature labour, maternal anxiety and, 291
Post-Registration ongoing Education and Practice
preparation, in stages of change model, 66t pre-registration midwifery programme
challenging nature of, 17 numeracy skills in, 337
pre-registration midwifery students, 11 prescribing medicines, errors around, 326 prescription chart, rights of medication and,
prescription mistakes, 327
prescriptive schedules, 111
presence, woman-midwife relationship and, 78
pressure and stretch of cervix, oxytocin production and, 148, 149
Pressure Points initiative (RCM), 174 preterm birth, antenatal depression and, 70 prevalence, definition of, 298
Prolactin Releasing Factor Primary Care Trust, 135
primary postpartum haemorrhage, 356, 357 primiparous, definition of, 84
contraception discussions and, 267 death of baby and, 378, 379, 379f
procedure, mistakes in medicine management and, 326
prochlorperazine, 330t, 336
procreation, sociological view of marriage and, 91
prodromal phase, in eclamptic fit, 362 professional expectations, 9
Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care, 3, 19, 25
progeny, definition of, 114 progesterone
in combined pill, 272
in contraceptive implant, 274 in contraceptive injection, 274 in contraceptive patch, 272
in contraceptive ring, 273 gastrointestinal system postpartum and,
in intrauterine system, 275 lactogenesis I and, 213 lactogenesis II and, 213 postpartum levels of, 169
progesterone only pill, types of, 272 progressive relaxation, 308t prolactin
colostrum collection and release of, 225 definition of, 234
lactogenesis I and, 213 lactogenesis II and, 213, 214 postpartum levels of, 169
Prolactin Inhibitory Factor (PIF), 216 prolactin receptor theory, 215–216 Prolactin Releasing Factor (PRF), 215 prophylaxis, definition of, 138 prostaglandin
cervical effacement and, 146
vaginal route of administration, 330t prostaglandin E
, 189
protection motivation theory, 67 proteinuria, pre-eclampsia and, 360, 361 proteolytic enzyme, definition of, 185 Protestants, contraception and views of,
Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care
psyche, definition of, 84 psychiatric disorders
causes of death in perinatal period, due to, or associated with, 283t
definition of, 298
prevalence and incidence of, 287–288 psychiatric illness, maternal deaths and, 281 psychoanalytic psychology, 63, 84 psychological, definition of, 298 psychological abuse, 47
psychological health, importance of, 61 psychology
defining, 62
health beliefs and behaviours and, 65–68 public health issues in maternity care and,
theories of, 62–64
psychoneuroimmunology, 129 psychosexual issues, family planning and,
psychosocial status of mother bonding process and, 81
psychotherapy, 291
Post-traumatic stress disorder puberty, 102, 103
public health, 258
definition of, 240 domains of, 243, 243f guidance for, 248
maternity care issues in, 64–65 strong midwifery workforce and, 249
Public Health England, 122, 248, 250 Public Health Work Stream for Midwifery,
public healthcare, midwives strong involvement in, 258
puerperal, definition of, 261 puerperal infection, 175, 185
puerperal psychosis, 287, 288, 293, 298
aetiology of, 294
characteristics of, 293
risk factors for, 293–294, 294b puerperal sepsis (childbed fever), 229,
anatomy and physiology of, 168–171 definition of, 185, 261
pulmonary embolism, 366, 367, 371
definition of, 370
signs and symptoms of, 368 pulse, maternal observations of, 152 purple line, 149, 163
pushing phases of labour, 150–151 pyrexia, definition of, 185


qi (vital energy), 303, 304t, 309b Qigong, 306t, 308t
quadruple test, 126
qualitative research, definition of, 84 quality assurance, 13–14, 16 quantitative research, definition of, 84


definition of, 58
ethnicity and, 51–52
racial hatred, 52
racism, 51, 52 radiation
definition of, 208
heat loss in newborn infants and, 198t radionics, 307t
Rando, T. A., on parental grief, 375 randomised controlled trials
CAM philosophy and, 314–315 definition of, 313–314, 319
ranitidine, 332
rape, 103, 257t
rashes, in newborn, 172
Royal College of Midwives
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
RCOG 2012: Shoulder Dystocia Guidelines, 363–364
Randomised controlled trials Reason, Story, Vital Signs and Plan, 28, 29 reassurance, 112
recession, respiratory distress in newborns and, 198b
record keeping
assessment in emergencies and, 347 emergencies in midwifery and, 368 NMC standards relating to, 29
in Bowlby’s stages of grief, 374 in Parkes’s stages of grief, 375
recreational drugs, 256
rectal route, of medication administration, 330t
red blood cell (RBC) count, 128 reflexology, 305t
registered midwives, licensing for, 16 registration of health professionals, EU
directives and, 4
regulatory bodies, key purpose of, 316 reinforcement of behaviour, 63 relative poverty, 48
relaxation definition of, 320
pain management in labour and, 155 techniques, fathers as birth partners and,
relaxation response, 313 religion
family planning and contraceptive choices and, 268
grief and loss and, 377–378, 378b, 384 post mortem examination and, 380 rituals and care following loss and, 379
religious marriages, 93
remarriages, 93
renal system, postpartum state of, 170 reproduction, natural, 94
reproductive cloning, definition of, 114 reproductive technologies, 54, 94
extended fertility for women and, 106 timing conception and, 102
timing of parenthood and, 109
upper age limits for pregnancy and, 103 rescue breaths, basic life support and, 352 research questions, hierarchy of evidence
and, 314, 314f
resilience, 10, 38 respect, definition of, 38
respirations, maternal observations of, 152 respiratory distress, in newborn, 196, 197f,
respiratory effort
Apgar scoring and, 190
newborn respiration assessment and, 192 respiratory rate, in newborn, 172, 197 respiratory system, postpartum state of,
response to stimulus, apgar scoring and, 190
responsiveness, 112
resuscitaire, 192 resuscitation
basic, of newborn, 190, 192–193
continuing, 352, 354
for eclamptic woman, 362b
maternal, 350–351
thromboembolism and, 368 Resuscitation Council UK, 193
reverse woodscrew manoeuvre, for shoulder dystocia, 366f
rhesus D antigen, 127 rhesus factor, 127
rhesus negative, assessing mother for, 182 rhesus (Rh) factor, definition of, 138 rhombus of michaelis, 149
rhythm method, 275, 280
right documentation, 324b, 325–326 right dosage, 324b, 325
right duration, for intravenous medication, 325
right environment, 324b, 325 right evaluation, 324b, 326 right medication, 324b, 325 right patient, 324, 324b, 325 right practitioner, 324b, 325 right reason, 324b, 325
right route, 324b, 325 right time, 324b, 325
right to refuse any medication, 325 Rights of Medication, 324, 324b, 340
risk assessment, physical assessment and screening, 125–126
Rogers, Carl, 63
role boundary issues and conflict, 26 role of midwives, 2
role model, definition of, 38
Roman Catholics, contraception and views of, 269t
routes of administration absorption, 329
for medication administration, 330t routine/schedule based parenting style,
Royal College of Midwives, 2, 19, 51, 122 on birth partners, 153
father’s involvement and guidelines of, 178
postnatal care survey, 173 Pressure Points initiative, 174 second stage guidelines, 151 suturing guidelines, 158–159
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, 106, 298
Reason, Story, Vital Signs and Plan rubella (German measles), 126, 127, 138,
Rubin, S., on perinatal loss, 375
Rubin II manoeuvre for shoulder dystocia, 366f


safe administration of medicines, principles of, 324
children and vulnerable adults from domestic abuse, 47
definition of, 178
six principles for adults, 180 where to get help for, 181
salbutamol, 331
salbutamol, inhalation route of administration, 330t
same-gender social parents, 99 same-sex commissioning parents, in
surrogacy arrangements, 101f same-sex families, 44
same-sex marriage, 94
Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society
Situation, Background, Assessment and Recommendation
Sickle cell disease schizophrenia, 70, 282, 288, 288t, 293
Schoolgirl Mum’s Unit, Kingston-Upon-Hull, 106
Science and Technology Committee of the House of Lords, 304
scope of practice of midwifes, nursing and midwifery council on, 91
Scotland, Central MIdwives Board for, 2 Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network,
289, 298
screening, 125–126, 131
fetal health, 126–127 health surveillance via, 245
inherited factors and disorders, 127–128 neonatal, 202–203, 203f
second-hand smoke exposure, 254 ‘second stage’ labour, 150–151 second trimester of pregnancy, 130f
secondary postpartum haemorrhage, 356, 357
secure attachment, 79, 80, 80b self-efficacy
birth experiences and, 70 midwife and enhancement of, 71
postnatal midwifery care and, 177
self-esteem, positive pregnancy experience and, 70
self-identity of woman, decision-making about care and, 131, 133
self-medication, patient compliance during, 326
Semmelweis, ignaz, 241
sensitive communication principles, grief and loss and, 377, 378b
sepsis, 174, 245
serious case reviews, deaths of women and children in, 180
serious illness, 245
serious mental illness, 298 bipolar disorder, 293
puerperal psychosis, 293–294
schizophrenia, 293 women at risk of, 293
serum bilirubin, in jaundiced babies, measurement of, 200
severe depression, treatment for, 290–291 severe mental illness, 287, 288

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