Fundamentals of Midwifery: A Textbook for Students (168 page)

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face of newborn, examining, 195t failure to thrive, ankyloglossia and, 223 ‘Fair Society, Healthy Lives’, 249
faith-based support groups, for grieving parents and families, 383
family displays, 45, 58
Family Nurse Partnerships, 105 Family of Origin Questionnaire, 127 family planning, 102
cultural aspects related to, 268 definition of, 266–267, 277, 279
further advice and treatment related to, 277
priorities for discussions about, 267f providing individual advice about,
268–269, 277
psychosexual issues and, 268 Family Planning Association, 277
Family Planning/Sexual Health clinics, 270 family psychology, definition of, 62 family(ies)
‘blended,’ 93
definition of, 58, 91
events having negative impact on, 45
historical changes in structure of, 44, 56 ‘ideal’, society’s perception of, 44f midwives’ care and wellbeing of, 51 poverty and, 47–48
sociological ideas about, 91 traditional, nuclear, 91, 92f, 93, 95f traditionalist model of, 91, 92f troubled, 45–46
fat soluble compounds, metabolism of, 331 fatherhood, 90
description of, 94
positive elements and challenges of, 179f surrogacy arrangements and biological
and social nature of, 100f Fatherhood Institute, 94
adoptive, 101
as birth partners, 153 commissioning, 101
engaging, postnatal care and, 177–178 genetic, 95, 101
in surrogacy arrangements, 100f identifying, 101
role of, debate around, 51 single, 93
social, 99, 101
in surrogacy arrangements, 100f stepfathers, 101
young, sexual abuse history and, 103 fatigue, 72
Full blood count fear, of childbirth, 71 fecundity
definition of, 114
women’s boundaries to, 102
Feedback Inhibitor of Lactation (FIL), 216, 228, 229, 233
breastfeeding; infant feeding; lactation
female condoms, 270, 271f, 279
female genital mutilation, 51, 126
female sterilisation, 277
femidom, 270
feminine gender identity, motherhood and belief about, 94
femininity, 50
feminism, definition of, 58 feminist psychology, 62
Ferguson reflex, 149, 163
fertility, 54
definition of, 114
older mothers and spectrum of, 106 women’s boundaries to, 102
fertility control, 267
fertility rates, 241
relative, for wives and husbands not using contraceptive measures, where wives were born between 1840–1859,
fetal abnormality, termination for, midwifery care and, 382
fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, characteristics associated with, 255, 255f
fetal alcohol syndrome, 253f fetal anomaly screening, 126 fetal circulation, 189, 190f
fetal growth restriction, antenatal detection and, 13
fetal health screening and monitoring, 126–127
fetal anomalies, 126
ultrasound scanning, 127
fetal heart, detected abnormality of, 154 fetal hypoxia, pre-eclampsia and, 361 fetal hypoxia-ischaemia, 254
fetal malformations, antenatal depression and, 70
fetal skull, birth process, anatomical knowledge of pelvis, and, 149
fetal wellbeing, monitoring, in labour, 151–152
feto-maternal haemorrhage, 127 fetus
abnormal, terminating, 382 antenatal stress and anxiety and
programming effect on, 291 brachial plexus injury to, 363 journey through birth canal, 146t noxious substances and, 253, 253f
Female genital mutilation fibroid, definition of, 184
fight or fright response, 129
Feedback inhibitor of lactation financial abuse, 47
financial support, postnatal transition to parenthood and, 178
fingers of newborn, examining, 195t first impressions, between women and
midwives, 76
first pass metabolism, 332, 340, 344 first trimester of pregnancy, 130f Fitness to Practise investigation, 15 flower remedies, 305t
fluid resuscitation, 352
flutter sucking, breastfeeding and, 221 fluxcloxicillin, 333
Feto-maternal haemorrhage FNPs.
Family Nurse Partnerships follicle stimulating hormone, 169 food banks, 48
Food Standards Agency, safe formula feeding preparation advice, 230
foot print cards, death of baby and, 380, 381b
foramen ovale, 189
forced marriages, 47
formula, benefits of breast milk over, 211 formula feeding, 172, 221
cultural norms of, 212 supporting mothers in, 230, 231
foster care, 100
foster mothers, 97f, 100 fostering arrangements, 96 fractions
converting into percentages, 338 converting to decimals, 338
fracture, definition of, 137
fragmin, 368
frenotomy, 224
General Fertility Rate
Frenotomy Practitioner, 224
Giddens, Anthony, 43
Freud, Sigmund, 63
Gamete intrafallopian transfer
Freudian approach, in psychology, 63
Global Midwifery agenda, 6
Follicle stimulating hormone
General Lifestyle Survey
full blood count, 127–128
Goffman, Erving, 43
fulminating pre-eclampsia
gonorrhoea, 104
Francis Report, 8, 32, 33


description of, 361
signs and symptoms of, 362b
functional concept of health, 238, 238f, 239, 239f, 240f
fundal height measurement, 13 fundus
definition of, 137, 184 postnatal height of, 168
funeral arrangements, 381


Generalised anxiety disorder galactogogues, definition of, 344 gamete intrafallopian transfer, 125, 137 gametes
donor, 96
genetic parents and, 95
gastrointestinal system, postpartum state of, 171
Great Britain gender, 43
definition of, 49, 58
sexuality and, 49–51
general distress, 291 General Fertility Rate, 241 General Lifestyle Survey, 93 General Nursing Council, 2
General Practitioners, 122, 123, 177 contraception and family planning advice
and, 277
timing of parenthood trends and, 109 generalised anxiety disorder, 282, 291f, 292,
genetic counselling, 382 genetic fathers, 100f, 101
genetic mothers, 96, 96f, 97f, 98f genital tract infection, postpartum
haemorrhage and, 360 genital tract sepsis, 174 genital tract trauma, 143 genital warts, 104
genitalia of newborn, examining, 195t German measles.
Rubella (German Measles) gestation, definition of, 137
gestational diabetes, older age conception and, 108f
gestational (full) surrogacy, social and biological mothering in, 98f
gestational (full) surrogate mothers, 96 gestational hypertension, 360b, 370 gestational mothers, 97f, 99
categories of, 96, 96f
in gestational surrogacy arrangements, 98f
midwife’s sphere and, 100, 102
in non-surrogacy arrangements, 99f
gestational surrogacy, social and biological mothering in, 96, 96f, 98f


‘good enough’ mother, Winnicott’s coining term for, 81, 112
good enough parenting, midwife’s role in facilitating, 113
Goodwin Volunteer Doula Project, Hull, East Yorkshire, 105
‘gossips’, women and infants cared for by, 167
General Practitioners grams
converting milligrams to, 339 converting to micrograms, 340
Great Britain, General Lifestyle Survey for, 93 Greece, postnatal confinement period in,
Bowlby’s stages of, 374–375 communication and, 376–377, 377b, 384
definition of, 374, 385 Kübler-Ross’s stages of, 374 Parkes’s stages of, 375
peer support for midwives and, 383 staged models of, summary of, 376f support groups for parents and families,
383, 384b
termination for fetal abnormality and, 382 understanding theories of, 377, 384
growth charts, customised, 128
growth restricted babies, smoking and, 254 grunting
definition of, 207
respiratory distress in newborns and, 198b
GTN, first pass metabolism, 332 GTN spray, sub-lingual route of
administration, 330t guided imagery, 308t
depression and, 289
stillbirths and, 380
termination for fetal abnormality and, 382


receptor antatgonists, ranitidine as, 332 HADS.
Hospital Anxiety and Depression
Scale haemaglobinopathies, 127
haematologic system, postpartum state of, 169
haematological, definition of, 185 haemolysis, definition of, 137 haemolytic disease of the newborn, 127 haemorrhage
antepartum, 354–356
postpartum, 168, 356–357, 359 third stage of labor and risk for, 157


haemorrhoids definition of, 137
postpartum period and, 171 haemostasis, definition of, 163, 185 haemostatic system, postpartum state of,
hair lock as memento, death of baby and, 381b
half life, 332, 340, 344 hallucination, definition of, 297 hand expression of breast milk
explanation of, 225–226 teaching, key points for, 226
hand print cards, death of baby and, 380, 381b
hand pump, for expressing breastmilk, 226–227
handovers communication and, 28
definition of, 38
successful, key elements around, 29 HBM.
Health Belief Model
Haemolytic disease of the newborn
head of newborn, examining, 192, 195f head tilt, chin lift, jaw thrust, airway opening
and, 351, 352f healing
complementary and alternative medicine and, 310
spiritual, 305t
Western and Eastern approaches to, 303–304, 303t
see also
public health
concepts and definition of, 238–239, 238f, 239f, 240f
different concepts and overall concept of, 239, 239f, 240f
poverty and impact on, 49f wellbeing and, 53–55
WHO definition of, 239
Health and Social Care Act (2012), 3, 248
Health Belief Model, 66–67 health beliefs and behaviours
healthy locus of control, 65 stages of change model, 66, 66t unrealistic optimism, 65
Health Development Agency, 248
health education, midwife, health promotion and, 244
health improvement
midwife and health promotion, 244–245 public health and, 243, 243f
health inequalities, 246–247 Determinants of Health and, 247–248 poverty and, 47
health motivation, definition of, 67 health promotion, 258
definition of, 244
difference between models of, 244f midwife and, 244–245
health protection, public health and, 243, 243f
Health Protection Agency, communicable diseases listed by, 253
health psychology, 62, 64
health screening, 14–15
health service (quality improvement), public health and, 243, 243f
health surveillance, aims of, 245 healthcare education, evolution of, 8
Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership, 283
Healthwatch England, 121 Healthy Lifestyle Midwife, 250
‘Healthy Lives, and Healthy People’, 250 healthy locus of control, 65
hearing screening for newborn, 203, 203f heart, neonatal examination of, by midwife
and, 205 heart rate of fetus
Apgar scoring and, 190
auscultating with pinard stethoscope, 152, 152f
detected abnormality of, 154 in newborn, 172
newborn respiration assessment and, 192
heat loss mechanisms
in newborn infants, 197, 198t skin-to-skin contact and, 193–194

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