Camila Winter (6 page)

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Authors: The Heart of Maiden

BOOK: Camila Winter
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'It's true, they have become arrogant after the death of my cousin and if you are claiming something is revealed. Grooms are the most difficult to treat, spit, blaspheme and if one has no manners I think the slap.
She smiled at the thought as not imagine the imposing Tourenne Therese of hitting anyone. How old was he? He was much younger than her husband. Twenty

five, thirty?
When they reached the hall and saw the gentleman shook Arsène perhaps noticed Therese looked as though he said the word.
She could not understand what was wrong with their marriage, or why he was sleeping in another lot and barely ran a polite greeting when I saw then ignoring him as if his presence disturbed.
Now she saw him drinking in the company of his knights, while a beautiful girl named Sophie ran him admiring glances and one of his squires told in verse the adventures of Caen nun as she fondled her breasts.

Oh, my lovely lady nigh to the fire please, said at the time.
She looked embarrassed and hesitant Therese, and then fled the scene wondering why humiliated like that. What was done, what had offended him? Would consummate their marriage and then had forgotten in her husband causing such disappointment that he had not visited his bedroom?

Follow Madame, I will show the fish ponds.
The castle was like a miniature city, was the kitchen, the bakery, everything was prepared for his servants. There was a loft where he raised pigeons, and a large pond that provided fish which were then cooked in pots or barbecues grills, along with geese, chickens and other birds.
She busied collecting eggs and walking down that farm, forgetting your worries.
However, during dinner her husband, reproached his absence and mocked his request that all the servants had to attend Mass on Sundays.
Although later softened his manners and said it was not a bad idea to get tame these wild grooms.
Her maid helped her undress Annou, his black eyes watching everything and even seemed to know their worth.
'Your hair is like that of a princess Madame, as she said this while shining brushed it with a silver

handled brush and embedded stones.
But the image in the mirror was unhappy. The blue eyes filled with tears. Louis often thought, and her husband, who seemed to despise her and preferred the company of their pages and squires.

Lady, is a woman who can help her recover her husband then told her maid.
Agnes did not understand his words until the faithful Annou spoke of Madame Godelieve, a witch who lived in the castle.

But it's not a bad witch, she helps people, brought many children into the world and reportedly saved the previous count of dysentery as a child die.

Annou never would go to a witch, pray that our Lord will help me.
The maid did not insist, but had managed to arouse their curiosity. And when the next day he found the witch Godelieve started.

Blessed be Madame Countess, the Lord of many children. The old woman said with a bow.
It was a geezer of about eighty
years, maybe more,
wrinkled face
and dry skin with plenty of spots on his long, bony hands. Truly was almost skin and bones, wrapped in a padded dress as if the old still had some flirtation. The glazed eyes watched her lifeless attentive.
She greeted him unable to hide his disgust as the old, excitedly handed him a kind of amulet.

Take him my daughter, and you will see your husband as you want and makes you a child once. There's nothing like having a child in her arms.
The young countess took that piece of bone wrapped in a dirty cloth and blushed thinking that all the servants knew that her husband did not frequent his bed.
But not thanked him but told him that she had faith in God and did not need anything more than that. And Madame Godelieve should attend Mass weekly.

But my Lady, Madame Godelieve can barely walk,
climb those stairs to go to the chapel

old apologized and touched the end of her back with anguished expression.
And then walked away, before the countess insisted on the matter, limping painfully, complaining of his bones and for mercy to heaven for their pains.
The young countess looked at the amulet with growing disgust and as he did everything unpleasant threw nearest fire and then washed his hands and said a prayer.
Time had become inhospitable, cold had frozen fields and she caught a cold and must stay in bed a few days drinking herbal teas Therese, that company telling him tales of wizards and princesses.

How old are you? Agnes asked after blowing your nose loudly.
Therese said thirty

two and almost inadvertently told him his life. She was the daughter of an impoverished marquis had made a good marriage to marry that relative Tourenne waited inherit land and titles when former Earl died without heirs, but the king had changed his aspirations to deliver the gentleman Tourenne Gauvin.

Too bad, I'm sorry then said Agnes.

It was a decision of the king and accept, my husband has some land to the north, maybe we leave after the Count not need us here.

No, please do not leave Therese.
His brown eyes smiled grateful, but the lady knew it was inevitable, they could not stay there forever living as the poor relations of the late Earl Tourenne.

I like living here Comptesse Madame, but I have to follow my husband.
Her husband, who was a man twice her age and was unattractive, treated her with respect and affection. They used to take walks around the grounds or meet mid

afternoon to chat or read a book. But his ...

Oh Therese, please do not leave, I am so unhappy! My husband prefers the company of this girl named Sophie! Agnes sobbed uncontrollably.
The cold seemed to have increased their sadness, for days that her husband was not going to visit her and knew her maid's room haunting the girl Sophie.
Therese told him to calm down, that Sophie was a girl of light behavior.

Besides the gentleman Arsène ...

Annou saw him in his room.
Given that statement Therese was silent and looked down, but had to comfort the young countess and searched for the right words.
'It's difficult at first, the first time after ... It'll be better.
'But my marriage is a facade Therese. Not a real marriage in name only ...
Therese blushed to understand the true meaning of these words.
I am afraid that somehow disappointed, and do not know why, because I swear I did not do anything ... But after our first night here, he wanted to get close to me but then I do not know what happened ...

Why do not you talk to him, do not you ask him? Your husband is not a stranger.
Agnes shook her head.

For what is Therese, is like a stranger, I dare not. Oh, I could not even tell you why I reject and repudiate seems my company.
Therese embraced and recommended patience not knowing what to say or understand the strange attitude of Arsène gentleman to his poor wife.

Pray, and see how everything is resolved, the Lord will help you. Now you must drink this soup and my teas, you need recuperaros.
She obeyed and felt more reassured.
He slept until shortly after the noise woke her locks, someone entered the room and despite being a bit asleep heard stealthy steps.
Someone approached her but did not want to be discovered. The feeling was eerie, I could hear her breathing accelerated fury and aroma. He began to tremble when he learned that he was: Arsène, who was watching her with a strange expression of anger in his eyes. As if the hated, his eyes were fixed on her figure.
Suddenly hesitant stepped up to face her.

Arsène, what happens? Agnes said.
I could not keep pretending to be asleep, afraid that her husband, oh, did not dare to imagine but for an instant feared that he wanted to kill her.
He looked at him without answering, his eyes fixed on hers, penetrating hostile and alien. Until spoke quietly but could not hear what he said, until he said my bride

Rest, you see fatigued.
Weary was not the word, they should have said so terrified when I saw Agnes felt so close to her bed, so close but so far away in body and spirit. When she moved away felt a huge relief.



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On her wedding day dawned cloudy and cold, a cold wind blowing from the west. A cold, gray days of winter, maybe snowing in the afternoon and then, what would a trip to the South in those conditions?
The Beguine insisted he take two bowls of hot soup and porridge, and to bathe very early so he could scent your hair with rose water and violets.
But by mid

morning the young man thought he could not marry a man when his heart was another, and less with a brave knight and a bad temper.
And though his parents and his brothers were happy running from one place to another playing with wooden swords, she heard the bells of the church with a shudder. The hour, I marry the knight Gauvin, Lord send me a sign. I thought while helping with the wedding dress, a pale pink dress with a neckline embroidered with stones and ermine collar.
She was beautiful and ethereal, pale as the fabric, and big eyes looking at the door in fear, knowing that when crossing the threshold would change his life forever. But have the courage to come to the church, let him come to the altar? I could imagine holding their horses and taking them very far.
He had arrived the day, would eventually become the wife of Arsène.
Her father guarded by half a dozen servants and relatives followed the procession to the sacred precincts where Arsène await. Like the time at Christmas, only this time they were six servants and relatives forming a large entourage.

Look, it's the beautiful Agnes said citizens in the distance and waved, knowing that soon could drink wine in the square, which would lead the family servants Boudelle to celebrate the marriage of his daughter.
She shuddered at the sight of the church in the distance and wrapped with the skin layer feeling a cold walk your spine. An icy wind drove the horses before they could cross the bridges of the Seine.
Monsieur Boudelle spurred his horse with furious gesture. It seemed a bad omen, for three times and had to back up the bridge because their horses would not get to the other side. What happened? There was nothing on the other side, and the horses knew bridges and crossed the river frequently.
When we finally crossed the bridge and headed to church the young bride looked into the alley on the south side as if he saw something strange. Louis? He wondered and thought that nerves made him see visions.
They came to Saint Germain de l'Auxerrois and Arsène was with his knights and squires most notable, black and silver dress with a thick gold chain and a felt beret. His eyes looked proudly at the bride, who was pale and modest like a rose. But the young man was serious and circumspect, in a bad mood and was afraid. I was going to join a cross, a brave knight, the whip when contrariara your wishes and rip the dress ...
He took her hand and whispered in his ear that was very beautiful. His blue eyes were clear and sincere and thought he was a fool to have believed the dark stories of the Earl of Montpellier.
Louis, where was I? Why had not done anything to prevent your wedding? Had left.
And smoothly, as lamb walked hand in hand with her future husband at the altar. Banns were read after Mass bells tolled and when they were married.
Dazed got a hug from his mother and congratulations thinking that everything was a dream that will soon awaken. It could not be. Louis.
He looked at the ring on her finger, the rare gem with white flashes and then realized that his fate had been sealed that day and that Louis would never become his wife. I probably would have considered their promises made in a moment of desperation. So had cheated again.
During the banquet just a bite, but if you drank two glasses of wine to cheer and dance with her husband because everyone expected newlyweds begin the round.
His parents were happy at least knowing that her daughter was protected and had a good marriage. Gauvin had Arsène of esteem and respect, Louis would never have been accepted by them, though at times the embargaba sadness and frustration and uncertainty weird to think ahead. It was like a rag doll brought to the church to marry against her will, and then the wedding feast danced all happy or satisfied by the outcome of events.
When the banquet ended the couple made the journey to the castle of Touraine, and while the bridegroom received an invitation from his father to him to stay a few days at home before leaving this said he could not delay the trip.
Thus began the journey to Tourenne County, toured forests, marshes and inhospitable places. They stayed at an inn in the road where they were entertained with enthusiasm.
She shivered when they were alone in the room and the view of the girl abused by Arsène appeared before her as a vivid picture. But her husband, as if reading his thoughts, or notice his embarrassment, he turned away and that night slept in the same bed but as strangers.
Upon awakening did not know where he was and was shocked to be observed by him thoughtfully.

Good morning my wife, put on hastily, depart immediately, 'he said and left the room.

long journey, and it was not always easy for it rained, it was cold and a slew nearly traps them in the mud. The beautiful dress worn muddy came and she just wanted to take it off and take a dip in the tub with rose water he was carrying, but the view of the castle discourage him. It was a huge site, high on a hill, threatening and unfriendly. Surrounded by a thick forest and farmland, some peasants land carpían bowed them, but she could not take their view that imposing building.
Inside it was very cold, but the servants were fired stoves and prepared a small feast and a squire friend of her husband began to sing a mischievous story of a nun of Caen. Although at this time silenced him.
Agnes had insisted on washing and changed the dress and made it in the afternoon, in a large barrel covered with a cloth to avoid injury from splinters. Your body thanked the bathroom because I was tired from riding and legs ached. While dressing room stared curiously. A large bed occupied the central square, and next a kneeler, two chairs and a shelf with jars. Some paintings and tapestries on the wall of the virgin and child.
He drank mulled wine remembering that moment, it was a scary place as he had thought, just very old. But furniture and servants was very helpful, her husband seemed happy and her eyes smiled into the distance. She blushed at the thought of what would happen next. Just had to let go and accept everything that happened, that his mother had told him. But he had not said more than that. And she would have wanted to know exactly what he meant but I knew I would never have dared to ask. Now that the time had started to feel afraid.
The songs continued until late, binged squires and their voices and laughter could be heard in the distance. But they were no longer in the sun, were in the room and she looked the gentleman with fear, not knowing what to do. He had started to undress and were now in the big bed, but nothing strange happened. I was dizzy and a little scared but I was curious.

Agnes, you are so beautiful, 'he said slowly and began kissing her.
She was stiff, knew the jokes and stories he had heard some of what was the matter and was a little scared, embarrassed. And he was quick to notice, and even burned with desire for his beautiful wife refrained. Does should take what rightfully belonged? Why it felt so cold and booking? Why in his eyes had that fear?

Agnes, come here.
She obeyed and lay down on the bed. He hugged her and sighed, maybe had too much to drink, do not know what the hell was going on. Both had dreamed of this moment and now suddenly she waited in a nod, I really wanted to consummate the marriage, not the meek submission of a wife. Never a woman had given him that way, but neither had been married before ...
Agnes was relieved, because I was not afraid but very tired, travel, wedding banquet, aching feet and legs. He was just grateful to be able to sleep undisturbed by her husband's passionate kisses.
The haunting sound of thunder woke mid

morning. He joined not remember where he was or what had happened the night before. He looked at the big square bed with velvet curtains. Never seen such magnificence as was recorded in the fabric Tourenne shield, the lineage of her husband who was now his. But he was not in his room, and everything was dark. He ran to light a candle as hated that dark and lonely bed in disarray.

My Lady is risen, will help her to dress

announced a decisive young skinny with big dark eyes and go fast.
His name would Annou and his faithful maid.
This time he saw a powerful lightning startled.

There is a storm, Madame Comptesse. Come to the help to dress.
She agreed to be stripped and taken to the tub where he was bathing. As the water flowed through his body wondered if the wine had made him forget the first night of marriage. Would that be possible?
A thunder shook as she realized that her marriage had not been consummated and that should not have happened, it was not a good sign. Does your shyness and inexperience had disappointed her husband? But I could not help feeling relieved, last night had been so scared.
By midmorning the storm broke and the castle with candlelight seemed dark and strange place. For one thing he noticed many servants and a small family of relatives, not her husband, but from the previous count of Tourenne died in the Crusades, explained that her maid Annou staff. These homeless were a marriage of forty years, his noble blood made them look arrogant but they were very nice to her from the beginning. The man was very helpful to her husband's castle teaching matters, proud expression was robust but very friendly. His wife, Therese, her hair wrapped in a veil and her face was oval and immediately appeared before her and said he would help in any way necessary.
He looked much younger than her husband, and she remembered an aunt who lived in the north. They immediately hit it off.
Therese was who taught him the castle and presented to the servants, who warned about the trenches and the quarrels of certain servants.
He also learned that the former Earl of Tourenne had died young and his wife had gone to live in a convent in search of peace.
When the next morning, the gardens and taught the young plants felt living in a fairy tale. So far only knew of the castles for a story of a traveler who had stayed their parents.
The lady asked instead for life in Paris, and its king. Everyone wanted to know if I would go to a new crusade and if he had the power to heal the lepers.
I do not know Madame Therese, but he never frightened by his presence and heard invites four beggars dine at his table every night.
The lady nodded proudly.
Returning noticed that the servants looked with suspicion and reservation. Perhaps it was natural because she was new at the castle.
He looked after the murals were in the main plot as they were beautiful and showed a scene from the life of Jesus Christ, when He was baptized by John the Baptist. There were other religious paintings and tapestries with scenes of chivalry.

Where's the chapel? Then asked for from the day of their wedding that needed attending mass and confession.

Follow Madame.
Rose spiral stairs and crossed solar uninhabited until a small chapel full of holy images, and a cross on the altar. The young countess crossed and said he needed to confess.

Wait, call Father Antoine.
He was a priest of indeterminate age and always glassy eyes, round face with a swollen nose that reminded one of those clowns who performed stunts in Paris.

Madame, welcome Tourenne. The welcome you again oficiarse mass. You should tell your husband. The servants here are a little rebellious, remind me of a herd of wolves you know? That only faith can become lambs. After the death of the previous count, God rest his soul was a good Christian fearing the Lord, very few attending mass. And have become rebels. Many left the village to live on their own without bless their unions ...
Agnes heard the distraught father and said he would order his servants to confession and attend Mass weekly.
I thank you, Countess.
She confessed and attended Mass that evening, talking about complaints Therese Antoine's father.
'It's true, they have become arrogant after the death of my cousin and if you are claiming something is revealed. Grooms are the most difficult to treat, spit, blaspheme and if one has no manners I think the slap.

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