Fundamentals of Midwifery: A Textbook for Students (171 page)

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midwives not practising CAM and, 316 migrants, racial hatred and, 52
‘milk coming in’ process, 215
milk ejection reflex, 213, 220, 226–227, 228,
milk production
prolactin inhibitory factor and, 216 stimulating, 224b
milk supply
poor, reasons for, 223 prolactin and, 215
milk synthesis, feedback inhibitor of lactation and, 216
milk transfer effective, 172
enabling, recognising effective attachment for, 218b
insufficient, managing, 224b insufficient, recognising in baby, 223b sufficient, assessing, 222, 222b
Millennium Cohort Study, ethnicity, teenage pregnancy, and, 105
converting to grams, 339 converting to micrograms, 339
millilitres, converting to litres, 339
mind-body-health relationship, wellbeing and, 129, 131
Midwives in Teaching miscarriage, 127, 241, 373, 374
alcohol consumption and, 255 definition of, 385
midwifery care and, 381 Miscarriage Association, 383, 384b misoprostol, 359
mistakes prescription, 327
when and how they happen, 326 mitochondrial replacement therapy, 95 MLC.
Midwifery-led care
MMR vaccine, 182
mobilisation in labour, 149, 150f Modified Early Obstetric Warning Scoring
Systems, 174, 347, 348f
molar (hydatidiform mole) pregnancies, 383 morbidity
definition of, 84, 260, 298
postnatal, 174–175 morphine, bioavailability of, 332
mortality, definition of, 84, 163, 260, 298
motherhood, 90
care, compassion, and healthy psychological adaptation to, 176–177
description of, 94
masking true feelings in, 72, 73f psychological importance of woman-
midwife experience and, 74–75 mothering role, different contemporary
facets of, 96, 96f mothers, 51
adoptive, 97f, 100
breastfeeding and benefits for, 211 commissioning, 99
disabled, 109–110
foster, 97f, 100
genetic, 95, 96, 96f, 97f
gestational, 97f, 99 gestational (full) surrogate, 96 older, 106–107, 109
postnatal care and, 167
skin-to-skin contact between babies and, 143, 157, 193
social, 96, 96f, 97f, 99
stepmothers, 97f, 99 surrogate, definition of, 100 teenage, 103–106
traditional, 99
social and biological roles of, 97f moulding
definition of, 207 newborn head, 192, 195t
culture, religion and, 377–378, 378b definition of, 374, 385
mouth of newborn, examining, 195t, 196f multiparous, definition of, 84
multiple pregnancy, increased maternal age and, 173
Munchausen by proxy, 288 Munchausen syndrome, 288 muscle tone
Apgar scoring and, 190
newborn respiration assessment and, 192 Muslims, rituals and care following loss and,
myoepithelial cells, definition of, 233 myometrium, definition of, 185


name bracelets, death of baby and, 381b names, family, 45
naming baby, following loss, 379 nappy care, 199
nappy rash, preventing or minimising, 199 nasal flaring, respiratory distress in newborns
and, 198b
National Advisory Group on Safety of Patients in England, 26
National Childbirth Trust, 134
National Health Service, 8, 19, 24, 240, 302,
311, 312, 313
Constitution, 22, 33
hospital Trusts, 121 leadership qualities in, 25 ‘patient first’ statement by, 22 power dynamics within, 31 stillbirth rates, 13 (box)
National Health Service Act, 241 National Institute for Clinical Excellence,
establishment of, 248 National Institute for Health and Care
Excellence, 70, 248, 298, 312
care of childbearing women and babies, 249t
care pathways for health conditions, 254 on contraception, 267
domestic violence guidance, 180 Guideline for Intrapartum Care, 148, 190,
jaundice recommendations, 200 mild hypertension defined by, 360
neonatal examination guidelines, 204 newborn bathing recommendations, 198 on postnatal period, 166
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, merger with Health Development Agency, 2005, 248
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Study of Early Child Care and Youth Behaviour, 80
National Patient Safety Agency, 327 National Screening Committee, 126, 204,
285, 298
National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services, 175, 247
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 292, 298
National Student Survey, 14
natural methods of contraception definition of, 279
lactational amenorrhoea method, 275–276
rhythm method, 275
nature and nurture debate, gender, sexuality and, 50
naturopathy, 306t, 308t
National Childbirth Trust necrotising enterocolitis (NEC)
definition of, 233 reducing risk of, 225
negative birth experiences, 70 negative effect, 291
Neighbourhood Midwives, London, 121 neonatal abstinence syndrome, maternal
heroin use and, 256 neonatal deaths, 373, 375
definition of, 381, 385 early, 242t
maternal obesity and, 250 midwifery care after, 381
neonatal screening, blood spot test, 202 neural tube defects, anti-epileptic treatments
and, 254
neuroendocrine, definition of, 233 neurological, definition of, 84
new parents, choices faced by, 110–111, 110f
newborn babies, parenting styles, expert advice and, 110–111, 110f
newborn care, 188–208 advice for parents, 203–204
Apgar scoring, 189–190, 191t
basic resuscitation of newborn, 192–193, 194f
cleft palate exam, 196f cord care, 199
detailed examination by midwife, 204–205
examining newborn infant, 195t fetal circulation, 189
heat loss mechanisms, 198t immediate, 193–195
initial head to toe examination, 194–195, 195t
jaundice, 199–202
maintaining health in first few days of life, 195–197
midwife’s role in, 188 nappy care, 199
neonatal screening, 202–203, 203f skin care and hygiene, 197–198, 199b
temperature, blood sugar and respiratory function, 197f
transition to extra-uterine life, 188–189, 191f
weighing newborn, 195, 196f newborns
blood spot screening for, 171 meeting, 157
postnatal care and, 167
postnatal examination of, by midwife, 172
National Health Service NHS England, 122
NHS Plan, 247
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
nicotine replacement therapy, transdermal route of administration, 330t
nicotine withdrawal, 254
nifedipine, 361
Nightingale, Florence, 241
nipples, sore, 228, 229
Nursing and Midwifery Council non-competitive antagonists, 331–332 non-opioid drugs, pain management in
labour and, 155
non-pharmacological, definition of, 319 non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
non-surrogacy arrangements, social and gestational mother intersection in, 99f
non-traditional families, surrogacy arrangements and, 101f
non-verbal communication, 76, 78 normality in childbirth, facilitating and
maintaining, 143, 145 notifiable diseases, reporting, 251 noxious substances, 253, 253f
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
National Screening Committee NSPCC.
National Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Children nuchal translucency scanning, 126, 138
nuclear family, 91, 92f, 93, 95f nulliparous, definition of, 138 numeracy skills, 326, 337–340, 342
Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors Act of 1997, 3
Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2, 8, 19, 42,
51, 327
aims of, 3b
on antenatal period, 70 communication standards, 9 European Union partnerships and, 3 governance of, 2–3
midwifery regulated by, 10
on midwife’s scope of practice, 91 midwives practising CAM and, 315–316 Personal Identification Number, 16 postnatal period defined by, 166
record keeping standards within the Code, 29
Rules and Standards, 31
student competencies required by, 5–6b on team working and patient-centred
care, 33
website, medicine management information, 327
on what to know before administration of medicine, 325
Nursing and Midwifery Order 2001, 2, 3
nutrition, 210.
breastfeeding; infant feeding
nutritional medicine, 306t


obese patients, dosage calculation for medicine and, 325
obesity, 55, 125, 245
definition of, 234, 260
deviations from normality and, 129 maternal, 250–251, 251f
maternal death and, 383
socioeconomic status, ethnicity and, 248 venous thromboembolism and, 172–173
observational skills, assessment in emergencies and, 347
obsessive compulsive disorder, 282, 288t, 292, 298
obstetric complications, older age conception and, 108f
obstetric interventions, 359–360
obstetricians, 109, 123 obstetrics, definition of, 260 obstructive shock, 347
Obsessive compulsive disorder oedema
definition of, 138 of scalp, 195t
oestriol, 126 oestrogen
in combined pill, 272
in contraceptive patch, 272 in contraceptive ring, 273 lactogenesis I and, 213 lactogenesis II and, 213 postpartum levels of, 169
off label, definition of, 344 off-label medicines, 328
Office for National Statistics, 93, 103 Office of National Statistics, 298 older motherhood, 106–107, 109
demonstrable benefits of, 107, 109 midwives, compassionate care and, 109
‘One to One’, 121
Office of National Statistics ‘opening up the factory’ mechanism,
lactation and, 216
operator, mistakes in medicine management and, 326
opiates/opioids, 193, 255, 256, 334
optimism, unrealistic, 65
oral absorption, challenges with, 329
oral administration, tablet and liquid forms of medication, 329f
oral hygiene, one-to-one support in labour and, 153
oral mucus membranes, in newborn, 172 oral route of administration, bioavailability
and, 332
organic disorders, perinatal mental illness and, 288
organisational socialisation, 8
Orthodox Jews, rituals and care following loss and, 379
os, definition of, 138




osteopathy, 305t, 316 otoacoustic emissions test, 203 oval foramen, 190f
ovarian follicles, atresia of, 103 overcrowding, families and, 45
ovulation, post-delivery re-commencing of, 266. 268

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