Fundamentals of Midwifery: A Textbook for Students (174 page)

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severe poverty, 48
severe pre-eclampsia, 360b, 361, 371
sexual abuse, 47 scale of, 257t
young fathers and history of, 103




sexual intercourse
reproduction separated from, 94–95 unprotected, teenage pregnancy and, 103
sexual orientation, definition of, 58
sexual relationships, impact of childbirth on, 268
definition of, 49–50, 58
gender and, 49–51
sexually transmitted infections
condom use and protection against, 270 domestic abuse and, 256
teenage pregnancy and, 103–104 sheets, changing, one-to-one support in
labour and, 153 Shiatsu, 305t
shock, 347, 349–350
in Bowlby’s stages of grief, 374, 375 definition of, 347, 371
management of, 349–350
in Parkes’s stages of grief, 375 phases in, 347
signs and symptoms of, 349t types of, 347
shoulder dystocia definition of, 363, 371
enter manoeuvres for, 366f HELPERR and, 364–365
incidence of, 363
McRoberts’ manoeuvre and, 364, 364f, 365 pre-disposing risk factors for, 363b suprapubic pressure and, 365f
Woods Screw and, 365 sick role, 55
sickle cell anaemia definition of, 138
screening for, 127
sickle cell disease, neonatal screening for, 202
side effects, 332, 340
after medicine administration, 326 definition of, 344
knowing before administration of medicine, 325
Sudden infant death syndrome SIGN.
Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines
sign-off mentors, role of, 11–12 single fathers, 93
single-parent families, 44
single parents, 93
Statutory Instruments Situation, Background, Assessment and
Recommendation, 28, 29
skin care, for newborn, 197–198, 199b skin products, newborns and, 198, 199b skin-to-skin, definition of, 163
skin-to-skin contact lactogenesis II and, 213
between mother and baby, 143, 157, 193 postnatal period and, 217, 217f
prolactin receptor theory and, 216 sustained effective breastfeeding and, 222
skull, newborn, 192
sleep patterns, in newborn, 172 SMI.
Severe mental illness smoking, 55, 126, 245
Health Belief Model and, 66 health inequalities and, 246
occupation and prevalence of, in women, 2011, 247f
pregnancy and, 254
socioeconomic status, ethnicity and, 248 teenage mothers and, 104t
Theory of Planned Behaviour and, 67–68 smoking cessation
programs, 256
strategies, 254
teams, 123
social arrangements, diversity of, in 21st century britain, 93
social class
definitions, in Black Report, 246t health inequalities and, 246
social cognition models, 66–68 Health Belief Model, 66–67
Theory of Planned Behaviour, 67–68 social construction, definition of, 43, 58
social constructionism, 62, 63
social enterprise business models, 135 social exclusion
families and, 46 maternal death and, 383 poverty and, 49f
social fathers, 99, 100f, 101
social model of disability, 52, 239
social mothers, 96, 96f, 97f, 99
in gestational surrogacy arrangements, 98f
in non-surrogacy arrangements, 99f social networking sites, professional
expectations and, 9
social norms, 43–44
definition of, 58
gender, sexuality and, 50 social parents
definition of, 96
same-gender, 99
social psychology, definition of, 62 socialisation, organisational, 8
society, definition of, 43–44, 58
socio-cultural context, woman’s perception of herself within, 64
socioeconomic status, smoking, obesity and, 248
sociological ideas about family, 91 sociological perspectives, overview of,
sociologists, key, 43
sociology, 56
definition of, 43, 58
theories in, 42
sodium chloride 0.9% fluids, subcutaneous route of administration, 330t
sodium valproate, 254
Supervisor of Midwives sonographers, 123
sore nipples, 228, 229
Summary of Product Characteristics sperm, 114
sperm donors
genetic mothers and, 96
in surrogacy arrangements, 100f spermatozoon, 95
spermicides, diaphragms/caps used with, 271
sphygmomanometer, pre-eclampsia and manual recording of blood pressure with, 361
spinal manipulation, 308t spiritual healing, 305t spontaneous abortion, 381
stages of change model, summary of, 66, 66t
stalking, 47
Standards for Medicines Management, midwives practising CAM and, 316
statutory instruments, 2 steady state, half life and, 332 stepchild, definition of, 114 stepfamilies, 44
stepfathers, 100f, 101
stepmothers, 97f, 99 stercobilinogen, 201f
stereotypes, avoiding, contraception advice and, 268
sterilisation definition of, 280
female, 277
male–vasectomy, 276
sterilising equipment, advice for parents of newborns, 204b
stigmatisation, 56
disability and, 53, 109 families in poverty and, 48
Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society, 383, 384b
stillbirth certificate, 381
stillbirths, 241, 242t, 373, 374
abruption and, 356
definition of, 380, 385
increased maternal age and, 173 intrapartum, 13b
maternal obesity and, 250 midwifery care after, 380–381 PTSD and, 292
stimulants, 256
Sexually transmitted infections strategic practitioner, midwife as, 244f,
street drugs, 256
streptococcus A, 174 stress
midwives, detachment and, 75 mistakes and, 326
student evaluations, 14 student midwives
life of, 9–10
medicine administration and, 327 student support, 14, 17
student unions, 14
sub-clinical (disease), definition of, 261
subcutaneous definition of, 344
route of medication administration, 330t subinvolution of uterus, 168
sub-lingual definition of, 344
route of medication administration, 330t substance misuse, 126, 246, 248
bonding and, 81
families and, 45
maternal death and, 382–383 perinatal mental illness and, 288t pregnancy and, 255–256 psychiatric disorders and, 283, 283t
sucking, breastfeeding pattern and, 220–221 sudden infant death syndrome, 112
reducing risk of, 181 smoking and, 254
suicidal thoughts, depression and, 289 suicide
psychiatric disorders during pregnancy and rates of, 283
puerperal psychosis and, 293 Summary of Product Characteristics, 332 superego, 63
supervision of midwives, statutory, 12–13 Supervisor of Midwives, 12, 13, 34
medication errors and, 327
peer support for midwives and, 383 safeguarding procedures and, 181
supplier, mistakes in medicine management and, 326
support groups, for grieving parents and families, 383, 384b
suprapubic pressure, shoulder dystocia and, 365f
surnames, family, 45
surrogacy, 44
arrangements, 94
biological and social fatherhood and, 100f
contractual nature of, 100 definitions of, 99–100 gestational, social and biological
mothering in, 96f, 98f
heterosexual commissioning parents who are not genetically related to the baby, 101f
partial or traditional, 97f
same-sex commissioning parents, neither of whom is genetically related to the baby, 101f
traditional, division of social and biological mothering in, 97f
Surrogacy Act 1985, 95
surrogate mothers, definition of, 100 suturing, midwives and skill in, 158–159 swallowing, breastfeeding pattern and,
swine flu, 253
SWOT analysis, 16
symphysis-fundal height, serial measurement of, 128
symphysis pubis, definition of, 138, 185
synthesises, definition of, 320 syntocinon, 359
syntometrine, 359
syphilis, 126, 138


tachycardia, definition of, 185
tachypnoea, respiratory distress in newborns and, 198b
Tai Chi, 308t
tamponade balloon, postpartum haemorrhage and insertion of, 360
taoists, contraception and views of, 269t Task Force on Violence against Women and
Children, 257
Traditional Chinese Medicine team approach.
see also
team players; team
working; teams
in clinical systems of care, 12 individualised care of woman and, 123
team players definition of, 34
key characteristics of,
team working, 22–38
accountability and, 32–33
collaboration and, 29–30
communication and, 28–29
effective, 23–24
effective communication as best practice for, 22
escalating concerns and, 33–34 key principles of,
leadership and, 25
management and, 25–27 power dynamics and, 31–32 theories, 24
woman as key team member, 22,
, 24f, 30, 36
woman-centred care and, 23, 33 teams
conflict resolution in, 27 definition of, 24, 38
technical detachment, 75
technological advances, family relationships and, 44
teenage pregnancies contexts of, 104f, 105 ethnic groups and, 105
health outcomes for women and babies, 104t
risk for, 105t
Teenage Pregnancy Independent Advisory Group, 103
Teenage Pregnancy Strategy, 103 temperature
advice for parents of newborns, 204b maternal, postpartum period and
elevation in, 171 maternal observations of, 152 neonatal, 197
in newborn and management of, 172, 196, 197, 197f
skin-to-skin contact and, 193–194 teratogens, 253
termination for fetal abnormality, midwifery care and, 382
termination of pregnancy, screening tests and implications for, 126
testes, neonatal examination of, by midwife and, 205
Total Fertility Rate thalamus, 129 thalassaemia
definition of, 138
screening, 127
thalidomide, 253
theories, definition of, 385
Theory of Planned Behaviour, 67–68 therapeutic dose
definition of, 344
timing of doses and, 326 thermoregulation, postpartum, 171 third stage of labour, management of,
third trimester of pregnancy, 130f thrombin, postpartum haemorrhage and,
357t, 358f
thromboembolic disorders, 169
thromboembolism, 172–173, 366–368 combined pill and risk of, 272 contraceptive patch and risk of, 273 definition of, 371
management of, 368
signs and symptoms of, 368 venous, risk factors for, 367b
thromboprophylaxis, 367
thrush (

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